My Lifes Lie (SWS fan fic)

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Hey guys this is my first time doing a story PLZ don't hate and enjoy what i have so far!!! :)


Adrians P.O.V

As i was mindlessly browsing facebook a page called Emo Lust suggested a page "Kellin Quinn"I clicked like.  I got on the next day and this attractive guy was on their. It was Kellin,then i thought wow his eyes, his hair,his funniness. Well later i found out he was in a band so i looked them up "sleeping with sirens". The first thing that came up SWS Alone ft. MGK. I listened to it and realized if this was true, I don't want to die alone. So i listened to the next song If You Cant Hang.

I thought i was in love with Kellin. But then i realized I loved his foolishness and how we were so much alike. After that i found out SWS was coming to Texas for warped tour. Right then I told my self i have to meet them!!!

I watched more of Kellin and his band and figured i want to be best friends with them.

So i went on line and got ticket pricing's, told mom about it and begged her. She finally talked to dad and he said I need to talk to him. Now he is home and i have to wait till Monday to talk to him about it. Apparently he told my mom that I should know I already get what i want and just need to ask him

SWS helped me through the tough times when my best friend almost sister ditched me this summer. I wanted to die so bad. I get blamed for every little thing around here and ya know my uncle lives here to and contributes to alot of this.

Well i guess i should tell you what i look like, I'm 5'2 i have bright blue eyes blond kind of brown hair and a clear face .... It really stoked me that i looked so much like Kellin. Also by the way my name is Adrian and I'm 15 :)

So its been a couple of weeks and I really need to talk to my dad about waroed tour.

The other night i was laying in my bed, oh i also live in a camper, and i was thinking really hard and i just don't feel like i belong here at all the thought of me being adopted kept running through my mind allot. I kept thinking how am i related to this family at all, i don't look like my mom or my dad not even my brother!!

Later i did some research and found out the Lack family never had a daughter only adopted one and had a son.


What will happen next comment what you think Plz no hating this is my first time!!!! By lovelies i will try to update soon

 Sorry its a short Chapter like i said new at this

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