The Lies

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Hey guys so new update i hope you like this book plz comment what you think also like i said first time writting!!!


Allysa's P.O.V

Well i guess all those countless nights up thinking were true... I AM ADOPTED!!!

I knew my fmaily never loved me, they always insulted me and..just everytime i want to scream "I HATE IT HERE" just straight to my mom even though she isnt my real mom. I still love her even though she isnt my real mom.

I knew from that night that i was adopted because for one my family has like only 5 pictures of me when i was a baby, and they have millions of pictures of my brother when he was a baby. They dont even know me. GOD. 

All those secret nights i stayed up in my room or the bathroom trying to kill myself cutting myself, tryin to choke myself to death, even drown myself but my family doesnt care!!! they hardlyey notice when im gone so what does it matter if im gone anyway. The only people who miss me, arent even human there DOGS!!

After i found the bands that saved my life (SWS,PTV,BVB) I knew i had something more to live for.

 I decided i was gonna run away with the bands and never look back untill my parents noticed me missing. Yeah that would be great now i have to find a ride to get to warped tour and change the dates so they wont know where i went.

Yup thats it all packed and ready for warped my friend Bri was gonna pick me up with her mom and drive us to warped tour. Im finally gonna do it get away from this hell hole this shitty life that i hate.

We got to the venue and i emmediatly showed them are backstage passes. I wanted to meet Kellin right away and just leave. 

I actually wanted to run to Kellin and cry in his arms. But i didnt. I went backstage and there he was Kellin Quinn!! I walked over and went to shake his hand but he scooped me into a bear hug and wouldnt let me go before that though he had a seriously confused look on his face!! 

Was it me did i do something wrong. No i lokked fine nothing happened he just hugged me.

LAter i watched the show and jkellin kept hugging me and smiling.

I really didnt understand why he was doing this. 

Kellins P.O.V

I went to the guys hoping they would understand.

"Hey guys?"


"i need to tell you...Nevermind Ask you something!?!"


"do u think Allysa looks like me?"

The guys all exchanged wierd looks. I was desperatly waitng for them to answer.

"well sort of why ?"

"well..i will explain later"

I got on my laptop and did some tour shit then some serious research.


PLZ!!!! comment what you think and let me know if you like the book so far i know its probably bad but its a first timer... So plz no hate =o thanks lovelies

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