Tough Times

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Well next chapter i really hope you guys like this  Plz comment what you think!!!!


Allysa's P.O.V

i sat there watching Kellin do stuff on his laptop. I was confused by some of his facial expressions.I just went to facebook to take my mind off everything, or the fact that i was sitting in Kellins tour bous right across from him. I think Kellin was noticing that i was getting bored cause he kept giving me weird looks, as i mindlessley blew my lips and rolled my eyes and played with my fingers.

So i guess im being kidnapped cause Kellin told the guys to take me out or something. Pshh ohh well i met some other bands and was still bored i was more concerned about what Kellin was doing!!

We got back to the bus and there he was wating on the couch for us to return.

Kellin P.O.V

Wow i didnt see this one coming Allysa Lack is my sister. Im not sure if i should tell her or not, i know one thing for sure i have to tell the guys.

"hey kellin" They guys all chimmed in as Allysa went and sat down at the table rubbing her forehead. I watched her every move intrigued with the fact that this beautiful creature was my sister.

"uhh guys i kind of need to talk to you in private"

"sure but can it wait till after the show"

"no its urgent"

I grabbed my laptop and motioned for them to come to the back of the bus and they all followed giving me worried and confused looks.

Well i told them and some freaked out and some were happy

"dude you have a hot ass sister"

"okay really i dont care if shes hot shes my sister.." Rudley interuppted

"so what are you gonna do are you gonna make her leave and not have anything to do with her or whats the deal bro"

"well thats what i was gonna ask you should i tell her or not i mean she obviously came here for a reason, and im sure she doesnt want to leave right now."

"dude you should tell her, im sure that would make her really happy." 

"alright i will tell her, but when should i tell her."


Allysa's P.O.V

He was still giving me confused looks as he watched me walk over to the table to sit down i was trying to rub away the headache i got from the sun.I decided to try and find some asprin, and i over heard the guys yelling at Kellin i couldnt quite make out what is was they were yelling cause kellin and every one else kept interuppting each other. All i heard was "RIGHT NOW"

So im not sure whats happening :/ Finally some asprin. I took some and laid down on the couch and drifted off for a little bit.

I was awoken to the guys all trying to quitley leave the bus. Then Kellin was sitting in front of me on the floor staring at me with a huge smile on his face and his blue eyes were filled with joy. I sat up and asked him "can i help you with something Kellin"

still dazed off in wonderland no response

"KELLIN" i snapped my fingers a few times and got his attention

"w-w-what huh oh sorry"

"what do you need Kellin"

"well...i knind of need to talk to you"


"me and you"

:Ok continue"

I sat up inviting kellin on the couch, he sat next to me and grabbed my hands. Ok now im really confused what is so important.

"you see i was doing some research online"


"well i found some interesting things..Ya know how you said you never really met youre real mother?"


"well i found her"

"oh my gawsh thank you so much Kellin" I threw myself around him with joy and gave him a huge hug and i started to cry.

"hey dont cry you wanna know the good new"

i nodded my head on his shoulder

"well it just so happens that me and you share the same mom"

I was so confused my mom is Kellin Quinns mom...HOW could this be. i pulled away from the hug and had a confused look on my face. Kellin was just smiling at me the whole time.

" you find that out. i mean like how is this possible the lead singer of my favorite band that i love that saved my life is my BROTHER."

"yea i guess so"

"holy shit this is amazing"

I started bouncing around telling kellin we needed to make plans to bond together although i know alot about him he doesnt know me. Kellin was trying to calm me down cause i was so excited.I really thought io was in  a dream.

That night i fell asleep in kellins bunk and he took the couch.


Still need you guys to comment what you think. And i will try to update soon..I keep getting wrters block!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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