Finding Your Way Out

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"Still nobody there," you announce, teleporting back to where C/g/n is waiting.

C/g/n jumps and turns toward you, then calms down. "All right, then. Let's go."

You nod. "I guess we both owe those ninja a beating."

"Yeah," C/g/n scowls angrily at the hallway ahead. "And when I find Crazy Chick, I'm going to give her a few things to think about."

You frown. "I think I might know her. Her name's..."

"What?" C/g/n glances at you impatiently. "Her name's what?"

"It's..." you pause, trying to force the memory you know must be there up from the depths of your mind. "I think it's..."

"Well, tell me when you finally figure it out." C/g/n starts off down the hallway again.



B/f/n. Right. You remember her now. She used to be your best friend, until...

Until what?

You search for the answer, but that memory stays hidden from you.

"I think she's an elemental master, like me," you say.

"Like you? Okay, is there anything else I should know?" C/g/n asks sarcastically.

You shrug helplessly.

"You're like night and day, aren't you?" C/g/n says after a minute.

You glance at her. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you hide in the shadows and teleport, and she makes those big light flashes and turns invisible. Your powers are pretty much polar opposites of each other."

"I guess you're right," you admit after a minute. "I never thought of it that way."

"Do you think there's a reason?" C/g/n asks hopefully.

You shrug. "Your guess is as good as mine. I didn't even remember she existed until this morning."

C/g/n sighs. "Great. If I wasn't too stubborn to die down here, I'd say we're dead." Her fists are clenched by her sides, as if she wants to punch something. You make sure she isn't looking, and then scoot a step away from her.

All thoughts of getting punched are forgotten when someone shouts "COLE!" from up ahead. More yelling follows, although you can't make out the words. One thing that is clear, however, is that the voices are coming this way.

"Great," C/g/n mutters. "Do you have a plan?"

"You said I'm not allowed to make plans anymore, remember?" you whisper back.

"Forget what I said, just tell me you have a plan!"

You glance down the passage again. "Okay, um, hide!" You grab C/g/n's arm and drag her into the shadows. Hopefully, you can use your powers to hide her, too. There isn't time to try anything else.

Two of the evil ninja—Evil Cole and Evil Lloyd—pass within a few feet of you and C/g/n, yelling at each other over who let you and C/g/n escape your cell. Neither you nor C/g/n moves until they've passed by and their voices fade.

"That was close," you sigh.

C/g/n shakes her head. "Too close. We'd better get out of here."

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