Crowfeather x Leafpool

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^ Or more commonly known as Crowpool.
Enjoy!~ Spottedleafpool
Leafpool was going to the Gathering, curious to see the WindClan tom again.
She waited and combed the crowd, but she couldn't see hi-
"Hey, whatcha lookin' for?"
Leafpool turned around and saw SquirrelFlight, she felt her ears heat up.
"Um-uh, nothing!" Leafpool quickly stated. Squirrelflight raised an eyebrow. "You were looking for nothing?" "Uh, no, but I wasn't looking for anything. Hehe, just glancing around, love what they did with the place!" She said rushed. "They didn't do anything to the pla-" "Hey, Squirrelflight!" Ashfur said, purring, Squirrelflight purred back. "Hi, Ashfur." she greeted. Leafpool's eyes widen. "I thought you were in love with Brambleclaw!" Leafpool whisper shouted out of Ashfur's earshot. "Well sorry to disappoint you, but he's too busy spending time with his brother." Squirrelflight replied, flicking her tail to the brothers talking happily, oblivious to the sisters' conversation. Squirrelflight looked irritated at what used to be her mate, but Leafpool knew she felt sad about it, Squirrelflight covers her sadness with anger. "Anyways, I'm going to go talk to Ashfur." Squirrelflight stated, padding over to him, Leafpool sighed. 'Your love story isn't as bad as mine...' Leafpool thought, her mind on the tom again.
She missed him.

When they returned to their camp she couldn't sleep, though the rest of the clan was. She sighed and got up to get a drink by the river. She looked at the stars and sat down by the river looking at her reflection in the clear water as fireflies started to light the sky with the stars. She looked back at her reflection and saw another cat with her in it, she turned around and saw Crowfeather, his eyes gentle. "Hi, Crowfeather, I didn't see you at the Gathering." Leafpool said. "Yeah, sorry bout that... I didn't get chosen to come." Crowfeather stated. "Why not? You're one of the bravest warriors I know!" Leafpool said, leaning her head on his shoulder. He chuckled lightly and licked her head. She purred and they shared tongues. Talking about anything and everything.

Leafpool opened her eyes to the warm rays of sun shining through the Medicine Cat den. She yawned, remembering events from the night before. She sighed. 'I hope I see him again soon.'
~Le Timeskip(AKA: Me being to lazy to write anything after XD)~
Leafpool felt her legs getting tired and sat down. "I think we should rest for now." she said to her love.
Crowfeather nodded and sat down too, the wind wisping through his fur. "Where should we go?" she asked, breaking the silence besides the cool wind and the birds singing from time to time. Crowfeather shrugged, "Wherever we want to I guess..." he replied, his voice smooth. Leafpool nodded, but her thoughts were whirling. 'I'm eloping with a WindClan cat... this is so wrong...' she thought, she looked into his sapphire eyes. 'No, I'm starting a new life with the tom I love.' she corrected, smiling at Crowfeather. Crowfeather smiled back and she nuzzled the crook of his neck. "Crowfeather?" she asked. "Hmm?" Crowfeather responded. "What should we do?" Leafpool asked, she had no patients to treat, no herbs to collect, and no StarClan cats to talk to. Crowfeather thought for a moment. "We could hunt." he suggested. Leafpool wasn't good at hunting, but she didn't tell him that. "Okay..." she trailed off. Crowfeather had caught a magpie and dropped it at her feet. "Want to share?" he asked, Leafpool nodded. They ate it and lay next to each other, sharing tongues. Leafpool stopped, her eyes widen. "What is it, Leafpool?" Crowfeather asked. "I smell a badger." she said in a hushed whisper, Crowfeather gets up, ready to attack, a badger comes out and Crowfeather's fur flattens. "Oh, it's you." he said. "Crowfeather, who's this?" she asked, worry lining her voice. "Oh- this is Midnight. She's the badger we found at the Sundrown Place." Crowfeather stated. "Uh...okay..." Leafpool said, not knowing how to respond. "But, Midnight, why have you come?" he asked. "I'm sure you already know why, assuming you and your friend are fleeing my kin." Midnight says, Leafpool's eyes widen not knowing that badgers could speak cat.
"We're here to live our own life to be together." Crowfeather said, Midnight's eyes widen in shock, but she continued. "Oh, well you see, I have come to try to make peace between my kin and the cats- my kin wants revenge since RiverClan and ThunderClan have driven them away from their home." Crowfeather looked at his mate's terrified eyes. "I have to go." she stated. Crowfeather shook his head in dismay, his eyes watering. "Leafpool, I... I-I don't want to lose you too, not after I lost Feathertail..." he said, tears now running down his face. "I'm so sorry, Crowfeather." Leafpool said, crying too. "I can't leave clan."
His eyes locked with hers.
'Please don't go.' his eyes said.

'I have to.'

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