....Who is that

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(Natsu P.O.V)

"Okay now, please take out your textbook and turn to page 21....."

I immediately zoned out before I hear what the teacher is going to say.

I can't help it, it comes naturally when I didn't feel like paying attention, and I'll sometimes get lectured for this, but I don't care as long as I get to daydream for the next 1 and a half hours.

I turned to the side window that's beside me, and stared out of it. I've never seen a sky so blue, and the clouds so...white. like a gigantic marshmallow.

The clouds drifted slowly apart, and a ray of sunshine peeked through. It reflected on the grass, which turned a deep green. I smiled, seeing how natural could be so beautiful.

As I swung my head back to the teacher, who, by now has started to say about math, chart pies or something like that....

Heaving a small sigh, I grabbed a pen and twirled it around my middle and pointer finger. We were given three questions to do, and the teacher and gone out for a toilet break.

"Teachers are scary creatures that give out torturous homework." Sting moaned, stretching his cramped limbs. He looked at his best friend. "Right, rouge?" The black haired student just sighed and continued to scribble down numbers, ignoring his blonde friend who was now complaining out loud.

I glanced down at my worksheet and frowned. Why are homework so hard to do?

I put it aside and started to daydream again...

Gray Fullbuster

Every single time, when I tried to daydream, my first thought was to automatically logged to him.

".....Natsu?" I snapped back to reality when Lucy waved at me, trying to get me to pay attention. "Yeah what?" I asked dryly, thinking about him again.

"Stop staring!" I snapped again back to reality. Staring..?

"Who am I staring at?" I asked in a small voice, not wanting to catch everyone's attention and draw them towards me.

"Gray! You've been staring at him for the last 5 minutes!"

That was a total shock to me. I didn't expect to stare at him for so long! I caught his titled head at me, so I smiled back quickly and turned my head around, before I could see his reaction.

"Class, did you do the questions I instructed you to do?" The high clip clopping accompanied the dreaded voice. Quickly,the whole class scrambled into seating position, and sat there, looking innocent and trying to work out the hard sums.

I glared at the sums, trying to burn a hole in them just by glaring.

You know, glaring isn't going to make it disappear, you idiot.

I blinked. Where did that voice came from? It doesn't sound like Gray, Erza or even Lucy for that matter!

Who are you? Why are you talking in my head?

Hmmm...I am nobody in particular, yet I can't really identify my real self.

Do you even have a name?

Well, is it bad that I don't?

So throughout all the way we'll communicate, I'll just have to call you, 'Mr i-don't-want-to-reveal-my-true-identification?'

That's a bit long, don't you think?

The voice sounded a bit like mine. In fact, it is identical to mine, except that it was a Tad deeper.

Than, what can I call you if I want to communicate with you?

The reply was instantious.

Just call me...

I was getting irritated...

Hurry up, what do you plan on calling yourself?

Call me Etherious.

What kind of name is that?

And the line went dead.

I have questions racing through my mind like, who is that in my head, and, why did he talk to me in my head?

But the line was dead, even If I want to ask and throw questions at Etherious.

The problem is.... who is that....

Me: is something wrong, natsu?
N: there's some crazy person that's talking to me in my head!
Me: oh shit
N: is something wrong, Ai?
Me: *acts innocent* n-nothing!
N: hmmmm...well I better figure out who is Etherious....*huddles in a corner*
Me: *whispers* guys, please vote and comment!

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