Chapter 8

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"You are awake?" Jace whispered in my ear.

I looked around a bit and saw that it was still dark. "I am now."

"Come on, we have about an hour until first light," Jace slid out of bed and offered me his hand. "I want a little alone time with you before we're on the road all day again."

I thought he would go into the forest the way he was acting, and I felt my face flush with thoughts of our last time in the forest. I hoped that's where we were going, but instead we went to the shower house.

"Is this ok?" he looked at me before we went in.

"Yes," I nodded, then looked around to make sure no one else was around.

"Good," he pulled me down the shower furthest from the door. "We should be quiet though, just in case. I don't want to draw attention to us."

We'd just turned on the water when someone else came into the bath house. Jace didn't let it deter him, and he continued with what he wanted to do.

There was a small part of me that was thrilled knowing that Jace was rocking inside of me as someone else was showering just a few feet away.

"I like this," Jace whispered before he kissed just below my ear. "You're so quiet."

"I'm about to be loud," I warned and he kissed me, swallowing the moan that would have escaped.

When he finished, he washed my hair for me, and we washed each other. We were back in our cabin, and dressed for the day, before the others were even awake. Jace and I had our things stashed in the vehicle, then woke the others. We knew Carl would want to get started on our journey soon.

An hour later we'd eaten and were on the road. We were assured that there was a place that was not patrolled where we could cross out of Avalon. It wouldn't be much further after that, and we would meet up with our new contact and be taken to our new home.

At least home until we were called up to help bring down the government. And who knew when that would be.

Everyone was quiet for the first part of the trip. I stared out the window, wondering about the history of the area. From the Civil War, to the Light War, what they called the five years after the lights went out. There were places the area was still scarred by action that it had seen.

I found myself making up stories about the people who would have lived there. Jace leaned his head on my shoulder, and before long, he was asleep. The only bad part of that was I couldn't really turn around and talk to Kat, so I just kept up with my making up stories about the people who had lived in the areas we were driving through.

It was around noon when we got to the place Carl had been talking about. Theo and Aron got out to make sure it was safe, and Jace created an illusion that we weren't breaching the fence.

After we were on the other side, and Carl wished us luck, we stayed there waiting to make sure no one else came. None of us wanted to believe it had been that easy, but after thirty minutes, and no one else came by, we decided it was safe and kept on our way.

Theo made his way more east, and we saw the ocean for the first time. I begged him to take a break, we'd not eaten while we were waiting at the fence, we were too nervous. Kat joined in, and Theo relented. He stopped and we took some food down to the beach.

"I could stay here forever," I leaned against Jace. "This is so much better than where we were living."

"Yeah, I'm used to much milder weather, but I kind of like the warm," Jace wrapped his arms around me.

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