Chapter 16

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Vicki was helped to the drawing room. Carolyn went to get her mother and then disappeared up the stairs, having informed every one that cared she had a date later and wanted to get ready for it. George looked anxiously around waiting for Liz to appear. Gregory could not help but notice how much George Patterson was beginning to fidget while awaiting the great lady that represented all that was Collinwood. Although he had yet to meet the mysterious and ostentatious Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, he was sure he was in for a surprise and awaited her arrival with as much anticipation as apparently George Patterson. Gregory watched Eric Lang help Vicki on the sofa and stooped down to check her one more time. "I would really appreciate you coming by my office next week so we can get a new set of x-rays and make sure all is right with your injury."

Vicki blushed and shook her head. "Really, I was just a little dizzy, I am fine now."

The voice that caught the attention of all in the room was commanding, protective and filled with concern. "What is this? What has happened?"

Drawing room

Gregory turned and looked to the great woman of the manor and then to the young woman that now occupied the sofa. Perhaps it was the fact that both women wore their hair in a similar fashion or that they were both dark haired and beautiful to look upon, whatever it was at that moment, Gregory saw a woman that looked as though she could be the young lady on the couch's mother. With a furrowed brow and a look of utmost concern she swept gracefully into the room parting those that had gathered around Vicki so that she could take up a position by the young woman and to Gregory she appeared to be posturing her position as a protective one. "Carolyn said you fainted?"

With a condemning look towards Eric Lang she awaited his explanation. "I believe she grew dizzy Mrs. Stoddard and we helped her to sit and she continued to feel dizzy. It is a residual from her accident." Liz looked relieved then when she glanced at George a sweet smile of affection was very apparent and it was gratefully returned when George saw her concern. For a moment, Trask thought with his sharp analytical mind recognized a familiarity between the two and saw the genuine affection between them. It was more than the look, it was something that must have gone back a long way for them. It was definitely something from the past that they both now tried to ignore.

Then as quickly as that guard had been dropped it was now up again and there was a formally polite control in place and a wall of reserve had dropped on that part of their lives. Vicki was sitting quietly and feeling very foolish with so much fuss being made over her. "Please everyone it was just a minor dizzy spell, I am improved and just wished you all would forgive me."

Liz stood poised over her guarding her like a mother lion with her cubs. "I will relax Vicki once Dr. Lang assures me that there is nothing more serious going on with you."

Gregory watched the whole room much as he would watch the jurors during a trial trying to judge the lay of the land on how well his trial was proceeding. In this case he had more to gain than loose by becoming familiar with the participants in this drama being played out. Then he realized those beautifully brilliant blue eyes were now fixed on him and she had apparently asked him a question because she looked at him awaiting an answer. "Sorry?" He offered a soft flush with his lapse in good manners. "I was preoccupied with Miss Winters and her condition. I am Gregory Trask, I must say it is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Stoddard."

He stepped forward and gently with as much charm as he could muster took her hand she offered. Lifting it to his lips he placed a light kiss on her knuckles. "Mr. Trask, are you related to the Trasks from the Funeral Home?"

Gregory laughed lightly assuming a charm that was natural to him as he bowed slightly, "Guilty as charged, they are cousins our fathers were brothers. I have come to Collinsport to set up a law practice."

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