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Nothing had prepared me for this moment. I didn't understand it. I thought everything was fine. That we were okay. I had it all wrong. We were standing here. Here in an empty hallway. This was the place he choose to tell me it was not working anymore. Why? Well, apparently to him I was not the same Avery as before. A month ago I had lost my father to a werewolf attack. My mom and I had seen it happen right in front of us. My mom had stopped working since. I had to find another job to help my mom out. It wasn't fair. Losing my father wasn't fair. Evan wasn't fair.

"I am sorry" He said, looking everywhere except at me. He couldn't even look at me. Had I changed that much.

"You can't do this. It's not fair and you know it Evan" I took a step back, bumping into my locker.

"Avery. I rather be honest with you than lie to your face. I don't want any regrets. That's why I wanted to talk to you in person. I didn't want to text or call you to tell you this. It's for the best. I am going to focus on me-" I cut him off. "So that's what this is about. It's not because I've changed. This is about basketball. I can't believe you. You are so selfish"

"Do you even hear yourself. This has nothing to do with basketball. Listen. I am sorry and I love you-" Another lie. "But, there is no us anymore. I am still here for you when you need me. I just want you to know that" He gave me apologetic smile, before he bend down to grab his backpack off the floor. "Ave.."

I was not going to cry over him. He wasn't worth it. Not when he couldn't even give me a proper reason.

"Ave, please talk to me" He had this worried look on his face. He was worried over nothing.

"Bye Evan."I shook my head as I turned to walk away. I didn't know what he expected me to say, but I had no words left for him.

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