Chapter 20

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"I am nervous. "I said as I put on my seatbelt. Kai chuckled  as he started the engine. "You don't have to be nervous. If anything, he should be honered to meet you." He gave me a cocky smile. I shook my head, smiling as I turned to look staight ahead. I was finally going to meet Gabriel. I think after today, new doors will open. Curious to know what he's going to say about everything.

"How did you found out his whereabouts?" I asked Kai.

"I did my own research. To top that, remember when my father gave me that adress book. I can find every Alpha's name, pack and residence in it. I am sure that book needs to be updated, but surprisingly he was in it. I thought, why not look him up. I just hope he still lives there."

"Oh, that's good. " I said.

"Do you have the letter with you?" He asked. I nodded and took it out of my jacket pocket. I unfold it and took a look at it again. "Do you think that they already know that I exist? Or where they can find me?"

Kai hummed. "It's a possibility."

"Hunters did find me." I shrugged as I turned to look at him. "Nor did they think twice about shooting me. They took every chance they had." kai didn't say anything, he just focused on the road. I knew he was pissed that it had happened and I also knew that he didn't exactly know who was behind it... At least not yet. For now it would be best if I changed the subject.

"So, are you also forming an alliance with Roman?" I asked. Quinn told me that he was in the alpha house the other day and that he was there because of an alliance with Kai. I didn't know what to believe. Best to hear it from the alpha himself.

"The only alliance I have is with the Red River pack. What I have with Roman is just a temporary team work. " He said. Temporary? "What is it you are working on?"

"Not on what, it's who I'm looking for. It's just until we, I find the hunters who followed one of his wolves to my territory. If I know who they are, I can find out which pack it is that they belong to and who their leader is."

"What if they belong to Lorna's group."

"Than we go after her. I just don't care who is behind all of this. I'll take them all down." He said seriously.


After driving for almost a hour, I stopped beside the road.  We had a thirty minute pause. Avery fell asleep shortly after our last talk. I shook her softly and her eyes fluttered open. "Come on sleeping beauty, let's take a pause." We got out the car and I locked the doors. I extended my hand towards her and she took it. "Let's go for a walk." She nodded her head and we entered the woods. We walked in silence, untill Avery stopped walked- forcing me to stop as well and said "Can I see you...?"

"Aren't you seeing me?" I joked, knowing exactly what she wanted to see.  "Oh come on, you know what I mean. Your other you. Your wolf." Before I did what she aked of me, I wanted to know why? When I aksed her she shrugged and said "Just because."

"Because what?" I pushed. "Because-" I interrupted her. "I am sure it's not because you want to see the real me."

"Because I had a dream."

I frowned in surprise. "What was your dream about?"


"Me." I asked. "Your wolf. I saw the both of you. You were standing in your human form next to your wolf. You started to scream ad when I looked at your wolf, he suddenly looked sick. When I looked back at you, I realized that you were screaming at me. I couldn't do anything. I was so glad when you stopped screaming. It's just the next thing you said that bothered me."

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