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"Retreat!" A voice calls. The wave of exhausted attackers began to recede. "We'll be back! Don't think you've won!" A male voice snarls. Finally all the attackers have disappeared.

"Thank goodness they're gone!" A woman with dark hair and skin said. "I don't think we could've lasted any longer."

"Lydia, didn't you hear what that Hunter said?" A boy with black, mysterious eyes said. He looked about sixteen years old.

"He said they'll be back. What are we going to do? You said yourself we can't hold out for much longer, but if they attack again...." he trails off  "We all know what will happen."

Suddenly the device on his wrist beeps, flashing a light blue light. He growls, then slams his hand onto a button. A holographic image of a man pops up.

"Shadow." The man greets. "We found another Ultra. She's pretty strong too. I'm working undercover as a gym teacher at her school. She doesn't need to learn again all the normal gym stuff she already knows how to do, so instead I've been teaching her how to fight. You know, just in case the Hunters catch up with her."

Shadow closes his eyes briefly in frustration before replying, . "I can't go get her. I can't send a group out either. We're short on people, and the number declines every time the Hunters attack. I'm the last of the original four Elites, which doesn't include Lydia, and if I leave... who knows how long we'll all survive!"

"I can go get her." The woman says.

"No Lydia, you can't-"

"I will go." She interrupts in a firm voice. "Yes, I am the leader, but I am not the fighter. You are. It won't matter if I leave or not. In a way, you are the leader, not me. You are the one that gives the orders that everyone obeys. I'm just the glue that holds us together. If you were older and I wasn't here, you would no doubt be the leader. And so I will go. And I will come back."

She turns to the holographic image. "Send me her information. I'll work at her schools as a..." Lydia pauses, thinking for a moment.

"You can be an art teacher. The other one is out right now because she just had twins. They are still looking for a long term substitute. You'd be surprised with how long they have been looking for one. Those kids are a tough bunch to teach." the man says.

"Alright, I will sub as an art teacher." Lydia agrees.

"I've sent the information to you."

The device on her watch flashes a dark purple light. She presses a button and another holographic image pops up. This time, it's a holographic information "sheet" about a girl named Katherine, with her description, location, date of birth, etc.

"Thank you." She says nodding to the man. "While I am gone, Shadow will be in charge. Anyone that disobeys him will have me to deal with."

Lydia meant every word she had said and she looked at everyone who had gathered in turn. She took one last look at the base camp that surrounded her. It was filled with memories, many starting quite early in her life. Then she looked at Shadow. She remembered bringing him to the Ultras as a terrified young child, and helping him to become a renowned and respected fighter. He was the leader of the Strategists in the Ultras, and he was also the main instructor for the fighting classes. He was gentle at times, but at other times, he was very firm.

Shadow turned his head to meet her gaze. "Fine. Go. But please, come back alive to us. You're the leader. We all need you, please return to us." He said to Lydia. His posture and voice showed nothing, but his eyes begged her to come back. Lydia nodded before taking off into the tangled branches of the forest. The branches engulfed her figure, and within a second she was gone.

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