Guardian Angel

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* your spirits sitting next to Prod while he's still sleep*
•Your spirits POV: What did I do to get this what is my mistake
????: *faint voice* Yn come with me
•Your spirits POV: 😐 W-who are you, where are you?
????: You don't remember me hunny
•YS(Your spirits) POV: GRAMMY
•YS POV: What are you doing here
Grammy: Well I could ask you the same thing missy
•YS POV: I mean , I don't know
Grammy: Well I'm your guardian angel hunny bun
•YS POV: explains why I've been so blessed
Grammy: Oh hunny is that your boy friend
•YS POV:No my boyfriend came earlier he's taking care of mom I'm not sure if they like each other, they were arguing earlier
Grammy: well everyone argues Hun just let it ride its not much you can do
•YS POV:Why are you here Gram Gram
Grammy: Well I wanted to see if you could figure out your lesson
•YS POV: I've been trying to
Grammy: *smiles* oh hun I know
•YS POV: I just want to know
Grammy: well come with me I'll show you
(she shows you when you were 3 and playing basketball and boxing)
Grammy: Look what you're doing here you're walking,talking, boxing and playing basketball
•YS POV: I don't get what's wrong with you
Grammy: Keep looking YN
(Back to the seen with little you)
YM: Come on YN that's enough playing
YN: Mommy I'm not playing I boxin
YM: You can't YN you're to young
YN: *starts screaming and crying* I want box and ball
YM: YN come on I was going to take you shopping
YN: No me need to work on box and ball or I gone be nohting mommy
YM: Hunny
YN: Mommy please *lays your head on her*
YM: Okay but no over working my baby
YN: Okay mommy me gone be fun
(Back to your spirit)
Grammy: See something?
•YS POV: boxing is life and I was determined
Grammy: No hunny
•YS POV: I don't get it
Grammy:well come on
(She takes you to when you were 6 and at school recess)
Kid: Why is that in here Mrs.Black
Mrs.Black:Special thing for YN so no one touch it
Girl: Why is she so special
YN: Why is it any of your business?
Girl: I was asking sorry
YN: yeah I don't care
Boy: She's a weirdo
YN: I'll make your face look even weirder tommy the clown
Boy: at least I'm funny
YN: Want to hear a joke
Boy: you aren't funny
YN: What did the fist say to the face *raises your fist to hit him*
Mrs.Black: YN!
YN: I'm done with my work what can I do
Mrs.Black: Well little Mrs.Advanced everything you can apologize
YN: Yeah that's not happening
Mrs.Black: ok class recess
(you take a ball and go outside and start to hoop)

Boy: She's gay I bet
Girl: Ewwwwww
Boy: She doesn't have any friends
Girl: Haha
(you throw the ball at them till they both fall and cry)

Grammy: What's wrong
•YS POV: I get it, I'm mean
Grammy: close but not exactly right
Grammy: Yes love

(She takes you to when you were 12 and at a boxing match)

Announcer: Well YN is about to win if she can get her out one more time
(In the ring)

YN: Give up if you want to live * hitting her with right and left hooks*
Girl: * punches you in the face and pops your jaw out of place *
YN: *moves you jaw back into place* I've been through worst!

Announcer: Woah did she pop her jaw back into place and continue to fight
Announcer 2: If you ask me it look like the other gir-
*you punch the girl so hard she falls out the ring and then you get out and continuously hit the the girl*

Announcer: ANOTHER WIN FO THE UNDEFEATED YN {The crowd roars with cheers}
( Later on that day)

YM: come on YN lets celebrate
[you're in the gym]
YN: I can't , did you hear the announcer that girl almost beat me I can't have almost
YM: Take a break you have a basketball tournament and a dance recital later that day Raiana Abby and Aysiah are waiting for you everyone is happy for you you've been undefeated for 2 months now
YM: If it helps you got 1st place in cheer
YN: That's not enough , what if I loose tomorrow I'll do stuff some other time just let me train
(Late that night)
Gym Owner: Lock up time YN
YN: Can I just lock up
Gym owner: Yeah you got your copy
YN: Yeah thanks!
•Gym Owners POV: She's 12 she's gonna work herself to death
YM: YN I bought you food
YN: Did you get me into swimming
YM: YN you can't be doing all this
YN: What about the studio booking
YM: Yes YN
YN: So swimming
YM: Yeah I did it I got your swimming stuff for you too and the boxing people got you golden gloves and outfit for you
YN: Cool ill eat later
YM: It's 11 you need to eat you haven't ate since8 in the morning
YN: Food would slow me down did you bring me salad
YM: No a burger and fries and some ice cream
YN: That's a little much don't you think , also I have a boxing match after dance Raiana canceled her match so I took it on
YM: The little girl you fought today got a broken nose and chipped tooth
YN: I've down worse
YM: YN you need to stop being aggressive
YN: If I weaken they'll beat me that's not happening
YM: Okay YN
YN: My skateboarding tournament is at that one stadium
YM: It's tomorrow too? In Detroit?
YN: Yes
YM: you hav-
YN: Everything packed? yes I check it everyday
YM: You realize I have 2 , 2 year olds
YN: yeah
YM: Okay
(Back to your Spirit)

Grammy: YN any words
•YS POV:I miss that schedule
Grammy: Learn anything
•YS POV: I guess I really overworked myself Mr.Coney looked worried( the gym owner)
Grammy: What are you doing when you get off tour
•YS POV:Getting back to my boxing I'm undefeated still been undefeated for 8 and a half months
Grammy: I got one more thing to show you
( You're the age you are now (15) and its before the tour starts)
Abby: Why don't you relax YN
YN: Relax tomorrow I have to leave my life music is my love but boxing is my life Skateboarding and balling too.
Raiana: You'll still be dancing and performing
YN: What about football and Swimming and Track AND CHEER
Aysiah: YN it's time you take a break
YN: What if they got to that big place with that stuff in it ?
Abby: THE MALL!?!?!
YN: Yeah
Abby: They have skateboard stuff
YN: Really?
Raiana: Oh YN. Have some fun
YN: I can't
Abby: I don't get how your mom gets all this money does she work
YN:I help pay and I do the taxes so she can take care of the twins
(Back to your spirit)

YN: I really need to cut down on my stuff I do
Grammy: there you go Hun
YN: I guess I never really let my mom live
Grammy: it's okay Hun
YN: I feel so bad
Grammy: it's okay

{You guys return to the hospital and you enter your body and wake up}
Prod: YN?
YN: P-Prod

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