soul in a suitcase

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I packed my soul in a suitcase

shoved it in the back of my truck

and drove down the highway

going 80 on a 55

because who cares about speed?

all I care about is leaving

and getting where I need to be

turning up the radio louder

blaring waylon jennings

through the old speakers

when headlights shine out of nowhere

and a horn blares from above

no below, above is below,

below is above? I don't know

but my suitcase gets tumbled

through the air as well as my body

the truck falling as well

over the guardrail

and I'm flipped over like a stack of pancakes

one, two, three, four times

until I'm laid to rest at the edge of a lake

and my suitcase has popped open

and my body is gone

and my soul is gone

and there's no place I'd rather be.

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