Winter Wonder

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As she peered though the frosted window, she watched him tread through the soft snow. The snow had been so heavy that week, Margret swore that she would be trapped in her house again on Monday. It fascinated her that one could be so handsome. He was tall and brunette. His eyes were a sparkling icy blue. His pale skin was so intimidating, but so sexy. She swooned as she watched him shovel past her sidewalk. Margret couldn't help but let out a big sigh as she watched him, forming a circle of fog on the window. He lifted his head to look around. For a moment, their eyes met. Only for a moment. He looked down to the shimmering snow before continuing shoveling. Margret reminded herself time after time that she could be doing anything but this, but what would she rather be doing? She knew in her heart that she loved him. She loved that winter wonder.

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