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He blushed as she toured the room, looking deep into each masterpiece. "Thomas! These are so beautiful!" Margret said. "Thanks, this is kind of a hobby of mine". Margret wasn't impressed, she was astounded, amazing, confused. There was so much more to Thomas than she thought. Something much more beautiful. Margret loved every painting, but one stood out to her. It looked familiar. It was unfinished, most of it blurred colors, but there was some outline. "Oh, gosh, you weren't supposed to see this", Thomas said nervously. Margret looked closer. "Wait a minute! Is this...", Margret began, but then Thomas interrupted," we should get going now...". Margret was fixated on the familiar painting. She then knew what it was. She pulled out of Thomas's grasp to yell at him. "Thomas, why did you paint a picture... of me?".

                                          Thomas's head sank. "Margret, I guess you have to know", he said. Thomas walked over to his stool to sit down. "Marge, I... I was hoping on Monday morning that you would walk out on my cleared sidewalks, I waited down at the corner for forever before you finally came out! When you did, I tried so hard to stay calm, but I was so nervous. I knew your name, but I thought that it would be cute to pretend like I didn't. I guess it paid off, because I got to spend time with you, and I even got to hold your hand." Margret was trying to follow every nervous word he said, but she was confused. "What are you telling me, Thomas?" Margret asked. Thomas looked up from the floor, meeting her eyes with his. "Margret... I love you".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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