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Jiyeon's POV

Taehyung was downstairs. I had given him the job of washing the dishes. I hope he doesn't make a bubble factory inside the kitchen. After finishing my work I'll go check the condition of the kitchen.
I went downstairs after I finished my work. It's raining heavily outside. I looked in the kitchen. There was no one. The dishes were cleaned and placed in there rightful place.
"Taehyung" I called out. But no response came. Usually when I call him he would come running. So where was he?
I checked the whole house and found no signs of Taehyung. I'm getting worried. He is the only heir of a rich family. What if he got kidnapped?
Different scenarios ran through my mind about what happened to Taehyung and those were not good.
I took an umbrella and went outside in search of Taehyung.
My worries were replaced by relief when I saw Taehyung playing in the rain like kid. He didn't even notice me watching him. I smiled looking at him dancing in the rain. I can't deny that his childish behaviour is adorable. Every childish antics he have always make me smile.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard him sneeze. Oh god how long has he been out in the rain.
"Yah Taehyung! What's wrong with you?"
"Why are you saying that? Nothings wrong with me?"
"What are you doing here. In the rain?"
"Owwh! I was having fun"
"At this time of the night? Let's go inside or you are going to get sick"

Taehyung's POV

Okay now I regret going into the rain. It's freaking cold and i'm shivering even after drying myself. If Jiyeon didn't come and find me I'd probably be in the rain even now. Speaking of Jiyeon where is she?
I went downstairs. Oh I smell soup.
I made my way into the kitchen and saw Jiyeon approaching me with a bowl of soup.
"Here is your soup. Don't complain about the taste and drink it"
I sat at the dining table and started drinking the soup. This soup is just what I needed. My shivering stopped after some time.
"Can I have ice-cream?" I asked.
"What?" She asked.
"I asked if I can have some ice-cream? I'm not feeling cold anymore and I'm craving to have some ice-cream"
"No ice cream. Your going to be sick if you eat ice-cream at this weather"
Okay if she says no ice-cream then no ice cream it is. Is she worrying about me. I feel happy to see her worry about me.
"Why are you smiling? Don't even think of eating ice-cream behind my back or I'll throw you out in the rain"

*Next Day*

Jiyeon's POV

I woke up when I heard someone knocking the door. I went to open the door still half asleep. I opened the door and saw Eunjung unnie.
"Yah you two are not ready yet. Hurry up we are going to be late for school" she said.
"Shit!" I cursed. Eunjung unnie went downstairs.
"YAH TAEHYUNG! WE'RE LATE! WAKEUP" I shouted throwing things at him.
"Please lower your voice my head is banging when I hear you yell" he said.
He stood up and went into the bathroom to get ready. I quickly got ready and went downstairs.
"Jiyeon you two didn't even lock the front door. Becareful. What if someone robbed your house?" Jin said worriedly.
"Yeah sorry. I forgot to lock lastnight" I said.
"It's okay. By the way do you always shout that loud to wake him up?" Eunjung unnie asked.
"Yeah. He's a heavy sleeper" I answered.
"Urgh. Let's go. I'm ready" Taehyung came.

"Yah! What's wrong with you today?" Jungkook asked while poking Taehyung.
"I'm fine Jungkook. Just sleepy" Taehyung replied.
"It's lunch time. Let's go. The girls are at the cafeteria already" Jin said.

"Hello everyone" Jin said sitting down next to Eunjung unnie.
Taehyung came dragging his feet lazily and sat down next to me. He looks so pale.
"Are you not going to have lunch Taehyung?" Eunjung unnie asked.
"Yeah. I don't have the appetite to eat" he said lying his head on the table. His face was to the side. His eyes were closed.
I touched his forehead. Shit! He was having a fever.
"Yah! You are having a fever! Did you eat ice-cream?" I asked.
"No I didn't. It's because of the rain I guess. And I think i'm going to have a cold too"
"You should go home then" Eunjung unnie said."
"No its alright. I'll wait till class ends" he said.
I frowned. "Are you sure?" I asked.
"I'm alright" he smiled weakly and it didn't give me any assurance at all.
I stood up and took his hand forcing him to stand up.
"Where are you going?" Eunjung unnie asked.
"I'm taking him home" I said.
"I can drop you off" jin said.
"No. You'll miss your class. We can take a taxi" I said before dragging Taehyung out of the cafeteria.
Taehyung is really weak. My hand was the source that provided him to stand and walk.

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