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Jiyeon's POV

I decided to be a little nice to Taehyung but I ended up being too nice to the guy. I even ruffled his hair. Why did I do that? I don't do that usually but I couldn't resist it. Maybe being nice to him was a bad idea.
Hehe. He looked really surprised when I was nice to him. He looked cute.
It's 6:00 already. I got up and got ready for school.
"Yah Taehyung wake up! We're getting late" I said.
No response came. Gosh he's such a heavy sleeper. Everyday half of my strength gets wasted because of this.
I took a pillow and started hitting him.
"Yah!" I shouted. He didn't even budge.
I removed the blanket on top of him. He rolled away and turned his back to me.
"Mom I'll wake up later. Let me sleep" he said.
He sat upright and started rubbing his ears. Finally success.
"Jeez! You don't have to yell woman. You're going to kill me by screaming" he said. He looked cute. Before I knew it my hand moved on its own and ruffled his hair. AGAIN. IDIOT! Why am I doing this again? He was also shocked. What am I thinking and god what am I doing? I should get a grip on myself. I retreated my hand.
"Uhm. Get ready for school. I 'll be downstairs" I said and left the room. I should stop being too nice to him. It certainly doesn't fit the image I created infront of him. I should be cold and arrogant towards him.

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't help but smile. Somehow Jiyeon ruffling my hair made my day better.
"Hei hyung. We have been observing you for sometime and you look like an idiot with that joker type smile of yours. What's going on in your head?" Jungkook came along with jin hyung.
"Nothing. I was waiting for you two. Let's go" I said. We started making our way to school
"Hei look there are the Noonas" Jungkook pointed at the three girls near the lockers in the hallway. It was Jiyeon,Eunjung noona and Qri noona.
We went near them.
"Hei girls. Good morning" jin hyung greeted putting one arm around eunjung noona. They looked like a happy couple. I wish I could do that with Jiyeon.
I looked at jiyeon. She was also looking at me. I flashed one of my brightest smiles. What? Did she just roll her eyes and look away. But I thought we were on good terms now. I don't understand what's going on. Is she bipolar or Did I do something wrong?
"Jiyeon what-" I was trying to ask what happened but she interrupted.
"Let's talk later Taehyung. We're getting late for class" She said and walked away from us. What's wrong with her now?
"What happened to Jiyeon noona?" Jungkook asked worriedly.
"Don't know" I answered honestly.
Everyone started to go to class but someone stopped me. I turned around and saw Qri noona.
"Taehyung let's talk after class. Let's meet at the rooftop ok?" She said.
"Okay noona" I agreed because it must be something important. Qri noona is a very serious type of person. She's a goddess in a way.
I went to the rooftop straight after class. She came after sometime and we sat down.
"Let's get straight to the point Taehyung. You like Jiyeon right?" She said. I was taken by surprise but I nodded shyly and she smiled approvingly.
"But she'll never accept me. You know her future plans. She'll never love me." I said as a matter of factly.
"Let me tell you something Taehyung." She didn't even wait for a response and went on. "You don't know how she is feeling. Although I can't guarantee you that she reciprocates the feeling you have, I can advice what to do"
"And what is that?" I asked curiously.
"Just show all your love to her. Let her know your feelings for her. Fight for her love. When a girl knows that someone has feelings for her a part of her also starts to care for him unknowingly. She'll try to avoid you. But you have to show her who you really are. Show her your funny side. That's your true nature. Don't show your cold side. She'll try to make you give up on her but don't. She has build an invisible wall around her wall to stop her from falling in love. In my opinion your the only one that can break it. But do it slowly Taehyung. Break it one by one. I hope you understand what I said. Good luck Taehyung" She patted my back before leaving me in my thought of trains. That's a lot of information to take in. But I think I got what she wanted to say.
She was right actually. And I'm going to do exactly that. Park Jiyeon get ready to meet the real Kim Taehyung.
The Kim Taehyung who has fallen deeply in love with you.

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