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Lauren's POV

I stare at the stick in complete shock, but yet part of me isn't quite suprised.
He didn't use a condom, you idiot, my mind tells me. It's as if my mind is always insulting me and going against me. I wasn't feeling well these past few weeks and I haven't had my period in a month and a half... Yeah, the stick is right.

"Honey?" a soft and gentle voice says, pulling me back to reality. I look up and see my mom standing in front of me, I'm sitting on the toilet with my pants down to my ankles. She looks almost as worried as I am --- no, no one is as frightened as I am. That's not possible. "Are you...?"

Even though she didn't finish her question, I know what her question is and I know what my answer is. "Um... Yes, I am."

"Do you know who the father is?" I nod. "Who?"

I don't say anything. I'm not ashamed that he's the father or anything like that, if anything I'm proud. But I don't want to get her hopes up for nothing and I don't want to get mine either. There's just a small possibility that he might not come back. But when he does, my brother will kill him. If they both come back.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," my mom reassures. "Chances are you'll have to tell Logan. But... I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you."

I nod. I stand up, pull up my pants and throw the test into the bathroom garbage can.

The positive pregnancy stick.


I read a story that's sort of like this, I forget what it's called or by who. But I really liked it and wanted to write a story like that. Oh yeah, this book was inspired by " a Soldiers Daughter" by jordydurr and "My Brother's Best Friend" by MidnightDiamond2013

And expect a hunger games fanfic coming your way!

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Bye pop tarts,

- Cierra

Soldier's DaughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora