Chapter 2 (Picture of Jace)

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- Chapter 2 (Picture of Jace) -

"You should tell Jace and Aaron," my mom states.

I stare at her with wide eyes and I shake my head. "Are you kidding? Do you know how angry Aaron will be? What if Jace doesn't want the baby? Then what do I do?"

Aaron is very good looking, sweet, is there for me and can be over possessive. But Jace is very good looking, sweet, will always be there for me and will give me my space when I want space. I don't know which one I care for the most. I don't know which one will be the better dad for my son or daughter. Aaron is not as kind as Jace, but Jace won't always be here while Aaron will.

"Let your heart choose, not your brain," she says. "I have to go help Reagan for the party."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What party?"

"Jace's twentyth birthday. In two weeks, the day he comes back is his birthday."

Right. I don't have anything for him, would the ultrasound be a good present for him? That would mean that I'd have to pick Jace over Aaron. Should I? Should I choose Jace over Aaron?

"Mom, before you leave." She nods for me to continue. "Who do you think I should choose? Jace or Aaron?"

She gets up. "Jace. Because he's the father and he's a sweeter guy and you two truly love each other."

My mom leaves and I nod. I pick up the phone and dial Aaron's phone number. After a few rings, he picks up. "Hey baby, what's up?"

"We need to talk," I say.

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't want to talk about this over the phone. Can you come over?"

"Sure. Be there in five minutes."

I hang up and wait five minutes and he walks through the front door. I can't believe I'm doing this, but every part of me wants this and wants him only and not the other.

"What is it?" Aaron asks.

"Five weeks ago, I cheated on you. I slept with Jace. And yesterday, I found out that I'm pregnant with Jace's baby. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be with you or Jace, but now I know who I want. I want to be with Jace, because I love him more than I love you right now and forever," I say. "What I'm saying is, we're over."

"That's fucking great! I can be with the girl that I've been sleeping with this past week. But what about you? Jace and Logan can die between now and in two weeks," Aaron says as he storms out.

Wait, he's been cheating on me? What an asshole, I'm now glad that I chose Jace instead of Aaron. But Aaron is right, Jace and Logan could die between now and in two weeks. And that scares me a little. I decide to send Jace a letter to give him a little modivation to come home and see me. I know that my brother is trying his best, but I need to help Jace. I start to write the letter...

I know that not telling you about Aaron was wrong and selfish. I was a little drunk, so why don't we blame it on the alcohol? Then again, I wanted to sleep with you in the first place because I love you, I love you more than Aaron, more than anyone. If you return well and alive, maybe we can give us a shot? Please take care of yourself and my brother. See you in two weeks, on your 20th birthday,
- Lauren

I put it in an envelope and put it in the mail box for the mail man who will collect it in a few hours.

A few minutes later, my best friend, Sophia walks in. She knows that I'm pregnant, she was the first to find out.

"Are you ready?" she asks, smiling.

"For what?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Your appointment. It's in ten minutes and I want to see if you're pregnant or not."

"It's tomorrow."

"No, it's not. Remember, yesterday you asked me to come with you?"

Oh fuck! She's right. I've just been so busy with the whole Aaron thing. "Right. Let's go."

My doctor's building is ten minutes away if we walk and we have no car. So we'll just make it. Ashley and I speed walk and as soon as we walk in, my name is called. "Lauren Miller?"

I walk to Dr. Park and Sophia follows me. She smiles at us. "Please follow me."

Sophia and I follow her into a room where there's a table a screen beside him. My local family doctor closes the door behind us and sits down at his desk with a form in her hands and a led pencil. "So, Lauren, you're here because you believe you're pregnant, correct?"

"Yes," I state.

"How many tests did you take?"


"Were they all positive?"


She glances at Sophia. "Is she your sister?"

"No. My best friend."

"Okay. So you're going to have an ultrasound to see if you're truly pregnant and how far along you are. And if you are, would you like a copy or more?"

I look at Sophia. "My family wants a copy."

I smile and shake my head. She's such a big mouth. "Can I have three copies? One for her, one for my family and one for my baby's father?"

Dr. Park nods and smiles. "Just lie down on the table and lift your shirt until just under your bra."

I sit on the table, lie down and pull up my shirt until it's right under my bra. I feel her roll a cold jelly like liquid on to my stomach. I know that there's a bump, but I've been eating a lot and it's just a small bump. I look at Sophia and she's grinning like an idiot. I look at the screen and start smiling too.

"Congratulations Lauren Miller," Dr. Park says, "you're six weeks pregnant."


Lauren & Jace are having a baby!

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Bye pop tarts,

- Cierra

Soldier's DaughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora