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"...Set me on fire with your endless words that show my worth and you take me to a place I've never known. Set me on fire with your silent kisses like the sunset, the darkness is our playground we call home..." I sing and take a deep breath.

"Storms they make come but I'm here to stay because this heart is my anchor, no I won't drift away. Fearlessly in love, with all your ways shoot an arrow threw my heart with your love and embrace," I continue and play the notes on the keyboard. I close my eyes and finish the last part.

"Set me on fire with your endless words that show my worth and you take me to a place I've never known. Set me on fire with your silent kisses like the sunset, the darkness is our playground we call home.." I finish and open my eyes then pull the cover down on the keyboard. All the sudden clapping starts out of nowhere and I turn around to see Jay standing at the side of the stage with a smile on his face and him leaning on a post while clapping. I stare at him with my mouth wide open and my heart racing.

"Jesus," I manage to say and grab my sheets of music and stand up. I walk up to him annoyed and he laughs.

"Stop trying to act so annoyed, you know you love to be acknowledged about your singing," he says, I scowl at him and sigh.

"Ok, what do you want?" I ask him.

"Out of life? Happiness and fortune," he answers and steps near me.

"No, why are you here?" I ask.

"I heard you playing, is that so bad?" He says, I stand there like a statue and stare at him. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, I blink at him and he steps again towards me. He takes my books and puts them on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, he doesn't answer but slowly takes my hand and pulls me into him. He puts a hand on my waist and his hand holds my left hand. He starts moving his feet, I look at him confused.

"Put your hand on my shoulder and dance with me," he says and I put my hand on his shoulder. I look at our feet and try to mimic his moves but step on his feet on the wrong moves. I give a nervous laugh and try to not step on his feet.

"You never dance do you?" He asks.

"Never," I answer.

"Well just focus on me and just let your feet do the work," he tells me.

"My feet are doing all the work," I protest.

"No, your thinking is, genius," he laughs. I roll my eyes at him. I try to let my "feet do the work" by only concentrating on Jay, I gaze into his eyes and lean forward. His expression changes, from happy to serious.

"You're dancing now," he says and lets me go. My hands drop to my sides and I step away.

"I better go," I quickly say and pick my things up then walk away.

"Lea," Jay calls after me.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you mad?" He asks.

"What gave you that impression?" I ask rhetorically and scowl at him.

"I didn't mean to."

"Why are you teasing me like this?" I ask him angrily.

"Because I'm scared it'll ruin our relationship." He walks towards me.

"I know you better than everyone else here at school," he says and his hand rests on my hip.

"Why do you even want to know me?" I ask.

"Because you're amazing and you don't even see it," he answers. My eyes tear up and I turn my head.

"You've had it rough, your mum, your old schools, your friends, you didn't let anyone close enough to know you as well as I know you."

"I didn't intend to let you." I whisper.

"But you did and now look, even only after four weeks of you being here I want to be with you," he says and his hands hold my face. I drop my books and we stare into each others eyes.

"I like you," I quietly say and we lean forward.

"Hey!-" someone yells at us. We let go of each other and face the bright light that shines in our eyes.

"Get out!" The person says, I scramble up my books and look at Jay, I give an apologetic look and leave. I didn't know where to go so I went to the bleachers and sat under them. I read over my music sheets and listen to the football game on the field.

The star of the game was Jack Nathan. He is the best football player in school, his girlfriend is the head cheerleader too; Nancy Wright. Normally she'd be under the bleachers waiting for him but she isn't there and apparently I look like her from behind, the height and hair, even skin colour.

I sing a song to myself and go through worksheets of mine, sorting them out in piles. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look around and see Jack next to me. His hands hold me in place and his lips kiss mine, he keeps kissing mine and tries to get his tongue into my mouth. I push him away and spit on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"You're not Nancy, you're not Nancy!" He says and spits on the ground too. I grab my books and step away.

"Leave me alone," I say.

"Wait," he calls out.


"People will find out about this," he answers.

"You did this to yourself," I tell him and walk away. I keep my head down and not meet one eye, I could already hear their whispers about what happened. Jeez, how fast does news travel in this school?!

I walk to music and sit down in my normal spot next to Jay. He didn't look at me for awhile (which hurt me) until we had to sing a duet together in front of everyone and role play the sing and pretend to be in love. When his eyes met mine he looked so broken and devastated. He even frowned while singing and I felt like holding his face or go and run to a corner to cry. He only looked at me for a split second and I knew he already heard what happened.

When class finished I ran away to my locker and heard people talking about me.

"Apparently they've been hooking up behind Nancy's back," a girl whispers. I grit my teeth.

"Yeah!" The other girl agrees, I stare at them with daring eyes.

"What?" One of them say with blonde hair.

"What you're saying is not true so stop spreading the rumors," I protest.

"She's in denial," the blonde one says and I roll by eyes. I walk past her and hit her shoulder.

"Bring it," She says.

I laugh. "No Thanks mole, I have better things." I walk away with a grin and wait for Jay. I hum and kick a stone near my foot, I look across the road and see Jay walking. My eyes burn and my throat closes up, I clutch my jacket and start running away home, the tears leaving my eyes. I open my front door, run inside and up the stairs to my room. I throw my bag away and throw myself on my bed then cry, feeling broken and betrayed.

"Why are you crying?" My Mum asks me as she walks inside my room. I ignore her and then she grabs my shoulders and turns me around. Her breath smells of alcohol and her face is angry.

"Just a bad day," I say quietly. She scowls at me.

"I don't believe you." She says and pulls me up by my hair, I give out a cry and she pushes me into the wall. My head slams into the wall and I start to cry, she grabs me and tows me to stairs. I gulp.

This will hurt.

And then everything goes black as she throws me down the stairs.

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