All of Me

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Pray's p.o.v

After a ride of endless pecks, me poking Zayn and getting my hands locked in his in return, we were safely home. I still don't get how he can hold both my hands by using one hand only. Are my hands that small? Or his are just really big.

"We're here" Zayn said, still holding my hands. He turned to me with a playful look, his eyes shining with humor.

"Okay, will you let go?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in annoyance.

"Don't give me that look. You started poking me out of no where while I was driving, so I had to do something" he said, now mimicking my expression.

"I was getting bored and you were so quite" I said defending myself.

"Oh, so you poke me when you're bored?" he said, sarcasm very clear in his deep, captivating voice.

My gaze fell from his eyes, trying to think of a comeback, but unluckily I wasn't getting any. My brain just decided to play dumb with me at the moment.

"Yeah?" I replied, confused of my own answer. Getting a chuckle from him in return.

"You know what I do when I'm bored?" he said. A wicked glint in his eyes as he said so, smirking wide as started to pull me close.

"What?" I asked, raising and eyebrow.

"This" he said, then smacked his lips onto mines for the 20th time. I could almost feel him smirk as I responded to the kiss. Giggling as he pecked my nose, opening the cars door.

"Okay, somehow I knew that" I trying to win over the conversation we started.

"Yeah, lets go with that" another sarcastic comment left his mouth. I poked my tongue out at him before ringing the doorbell. Not even a second went by and the door burst open, showing an excited looking Doniya.

"Pray! Come, let's pack your stuff" she yelled pulling me into a tight hug. I could hear Zayn laughing in the background.

"Hello to you too Doniya" he said entering the house. Safaa came running to him as she saw her beloved brother entering the living room. I couldn't help but smile at how close they were. Zayn loved Safaa to death, and so did our little Safaa.

I came out of my thoughts as Doniya dragged me to the living room.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Beta, have you started packing yet?" mum asked. Smiling as she saw Doniya dragging me with her. Beta means child in Urdu.

"Yeah, just some things in the closet that are left, then I'm done" I answered. Thinking hard on what was left to pack. Packing is really a pain in the arse, it makes you all tired for no reason.

"Oh, then I don't think you'll be needing Doniya's help, would you?" Trisha asked. Standing up and coming over to me, embracing me into a warm hug.

"No, thanks anyways Doniya" I said.

"Aww, okay. I have to do my own packing anyways" she said giggling to herself, I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked. She went upstairs, probably going to her room, Naveed following her closely. Yet, he didn't fail to throw a playful wink my way.

"Okay. Pray, I suggest you finish packing today because I don't think you'll have time after today. Tomorrow's your Nikah beta" she said, reality suddenly hitting me in face. My face must have been priceless which caused my mother to laugh.

Tomorrow is my Nikah, Zayn and I will have to sign some papers and then we will be married. I will officially be Mrs. Malik. Meera Pray Malik. Doesn't sounds bad. I really didn't wanted to change my last name, but Zayn said he would love to call me Mrs. Malik. So basically, now I have to change my last name, or like Zayn said, " if I didn't, I would have pay on the wedding night". This sentence still gives me the chills, very bad chills. Wedding night is like a game to him, but for me, it's a very big deal. I'm not really nervous about the wedding ceremony. What I'm nervous about is the wedding night; my heart literally pounds out of my chest whenever someone mentions it, most likely Zayn.

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