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*Hermione's Pov*

It was close to dinner so we began walking back to the castle. As we walked along the path, the autumn breeze blew cold air.

We had changed into Muggle cloths before we left for Hogsmade, and all I had on was a tee shirt, jeans, and a thin jumper.

"Why didn't you change into something warmer?" Dray asks.

"It was arm when we left" I say.

"Again! Crazy Rosier!" He says taking off his Quiditch sweater which had Malfoy and his number on it, he gave it to me.

"Thanks, Dray" I say.

"Again, no problem, princess" he says. Astoria walks a bit in front.

"Pansy, Gin, Luna, race you guys to the end of the path" She shout. They begin running.

"Why don't you race, Hermione?" Blaise asks.

"I hurt my leg badly in the battle, it hurts to run" I say.

"And your still going to battle?" The concered Draco takes over.

"I'll be fine" I say. "If I need to, I'll disaparate"

"Oh, Mione, Viktor Krumb well be here for the choosing of the champions" Harry says.

"WHAT!?" I Shout.

"Whats to matter, Hermione?" Ron asks.

"You know how he told me to write after the tournament was over?" I ask. "Well I only wrote four times"

"Why?" Theo asks.

"He was clingy, and it was annoying Ron so much so he threw out all Viktor's letters" I say.

"Well I did see him stalking you a lot" Draco says. "It looked like we was plotting on kidnapping you or something"

"Well-" I get cut off by the 4 other guys running off. They were obviously racing. "Well that was rude"

"It's okay, they just want to get to dinner. We might have to hurry, we still have to change before we head to the great hall" Dray says. He bends down a bit. "Hop on my back"

I oblige and wrap my arms around his neck, he starts running to catch up. The others are waiting by the doors to the castle.

"Come on, Mione" Luna says. "We have to go get ready"

I follow the girls to the Slytherine common room, leaving the guys behind. I glance back at Draco and smile, he returns the gesture.

Back in the dorms, Astoria was doing my hair, while Ginny and Pansy showed me a dresses for tonight.

"Merlin, No!" I say to a dress that.looks like it was for a clown. Pansy throws it back into the closet.

"How about this?" Ginny asks pulling out a beautiful dress black and gold dress.

"I don't remember getting that from McGonagall" I say.

"There's a note on it" Pansy says grabbing the parchment that was attached to the dress. "Dear Miss Rosier, a dress thats been past down threw generation of Pure-Bloods, has now landed with you. Take good care of it please. Sincerely, the Black Sisters"

"Its from Narcissa, Adromeda, and Bella" Ginny says. Luna walks out of the bathroom, she was the first one ready.

"Thats a nice dress" She says. She sits down digging threw her jewelry box. "I have a necklace that would go with it" She pulls out a blacked chained golden locket. "I never use it, it was a gift for my 13th birthday from professor Dumbledore. I think it deserves to be worn"

"I couldn't" I say. She places it in my hand.

"It seems Dumbledore wanted it to be worn, I think he would love it if it was" she says.

"Thanks, Luna" I say. We hug, she wasn't the same Luna we rode with in that carriage a few years ago.

We were finished getting ready when a knock startles us all. "Come in" Ginny calls out.

The guys open the door, all ready with there ties tied and everything. "Shall we?" Theo asks.

We all get up and walk out. As we are about to exit the common room, Daphne Greengrass stops us.

"Weasel and Potterhead are out there" She says. I whip around and give her a look.

"I dare you to call them that again" I say crossing my arms. She moves back.

"Okay, come on Mione" Draco says. We begin walking out, Harry and Ron were writing.

"I need a girl to walk with me into the Hall, Parvati can't, and Mione, you need to walk in with Viktor" Harry says. "The champions from the last tournament has to walk in with their dates from The Yule Ball"

"Wonderful!" I say with a hint of sarcasm. Astoria slightly volunteers to enter with Harry.

As we get closer to the great hall, I see Viktor, standing proud in his Durnstrang. I start walking ahead of the others.

Viktor's eyes land on me, he smiles. I return the small gesture as I get to him is when the awkward phase starts.

"Ello, 'Ermione" he greets me.

"Hello" I reply. Harry and Astoria arrive beside us, I see Fleur and Bill walking our way.

Astoria looks at feet, since Bill was a Weasley she knew he wouldn't like her.

As everyone entered the hall we all stood silently next to the doors.

"How are you, Fleur?" I ask. She had a small baby bump already.

"I'm okay, Molly has helped lots" she says.

"Thats wonderful, have you figured out a name yet?" I ask.

"If its a boy, Louis Harry Aurthur Weasley, if girl Victiore Hermione Nymph Weasley" Bill says. I smile.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course, my daughter should have her Godmother's name" Fleur says. I was in shock.

"You.. Want me.. To be.. A godmum?" I ask in awe.

"Of course. You were one of my only friends from Hogwarts" Fleur says.

"Who would be the godfather?" I ask. If they say Ron, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Who ever you marry" Bill says.

"But what if you don't like him?" I ask.

"Your the brightest witch if this generation, we know our baby would be in good hands" Fleur says.

"And you could teach it before it goes to Hogwarts, that way it would be way smarter than anyone her age" Bill adds.

I smile. Filch came out, he looked at us with a glare. "You may Enter now"...

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