adventure start

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[ chapters are meant to be short or just medium- lol ]

haeun yawns, stretching her short arms in the cold air of her restricted bedroom. the blinds didn't do much of a job filtering the sunlight from reaching inside, but haeun was okay. she was always okay. she glances at the right side of her bed, looking over her shoulder, she sees a picture frame with a photo printed in old black and white ink. a memory so unforgettable that she could never manage to erase from her mind even if she had anterograde amnesia.

no eight year old should have been treated that way.

a dream of her mother: to become little miss gwangju. and forced to put her mom's fantasies to reality, she had no choice but to blindly follow what her mother wished her to do. when she had her first run over with, securing first place and making her mother overload with joy, she found the girls so pitiful. smiles plastered on their faces, so forced and practiced- the answers they said during the question and answer time, memorized- putting words into their mouths. it was a sad reality that an eight year old that wanted to play with water had to face.

those days went on for a while until she was fourteen and decided to break from this bullshit she had enough of. things went well and got her way. make up and dresses were thrown out, finally.

[ • • • ]

haeun detaches her warm blanket and rises the blinds. not even three seconds after, her door opens to her surprise. nobody but jung hoseok would make such an entrance.

he grins, almost breathless but still smiling- that's hoseok for you.

"park haeun, your lazy ass isn't going to stay in bed all day, we're going on an adventure!" he says while throwing his hands up, expecting a similar reaction on haeun's face. hoseok frowns when he sees the confusion evident on haeun.

"where are we going, hoseok?"

"we're going on an adventure," he starts, slinging an arm over haeun's shoulders ever so comfortably. "an adventure we planned when we were eight."

her eyes widened, filled with shock and joy altogether and mouth hanging from the moment. he nods rapidly with the same grin plastered on his face.

"we're going try to travel around the world-" he gets cut off, "in thirty days!" haeun jumps and hugs him, a bear hug which seemed so unfamiliar to him. the warmth felt nice, her short legs wrapped around his waist and her clinging onto him like a koala.

the adrenaline would begin soon, but for now let's enjoy the gentle and soft warmth of the moment.

[ • • • ]


how was the first chap lol
i haven't written in a while so forgive me.
thanks for readING!!

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