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"Earth to Yume." Taehyung waves his hands in front of my face getting my attention.

"Oh, what happened?"

"Yume are you alright? Your mind has been drifting off a lot. Were you upset that we all fell asleep last night during our marathon? I'm sorry if that was the case." Taehyung bows multiple times nearly breaking his back I stop him before he actually breaks his back doing it to quickly.

"It's fine. It wasn't that, I'm really fine. Just felt a bit dazed that's all." I lied. I really just cannot help but think how's Mark's doing if he's okay. Is he eating all he's meals and have enough sleep since it was late at night.

"Don't scare me like that. I was really worried about you." Taehyung pats my head softly.

"Miane." He's big hands warm my head patting softly.

"Guy's we have a mission to do!" Jungkook comes running holding a note in his hand in the air.

"What is it?" Taehyung asks.

"Jin hyung just called asking us to do the shopping."


"He figured that all the food was gone when they were away."

Jin knows the boys so well as if their his own sons.

"Well since that's that let's go." Jimin just comes out from his shower.

We all walked to a nearby small grocery shop. Buying all the foods and ingredients that Jin listed. The boy's all went overload with the snacks for another marathon for the night since the hyungs aren't going to be here for another night.

I looked at the calendar that was hanged on the wall. I flipped through the months calculating how many days I've been here. It's more than a month or two that I'm sure of.

My brain couldn't calculate or remember how long I've been here. Ignoring that fact I walk down to the entertainment aisle looking at all the movie covers, passing though lots of books when a specific cover catches my eye.

I go to the magazine section next to the books picking up the colourful magazine cover with gossip of idols. I flip through the pages seeing lots of famous idols and Taehyung was also featured in it too. My eyes run across the words reading the text about him in his role of his upcoming drama.

I skip half of the texts to the next page seeing a female figure modelling for the camera. About to look further into detail I was bumped very hard on my shoulder causing me to fall on the ground landing on my bottom twisting my wrist a bit.

"Jeez watch where you're going." The person who bumped me just walked passed me flicked her hair and stepped onto the page I was looking at, huffing out a heavy annoyed sigh.

"You should of at least apologise to the person you hurt," I complain soothing the pain on my wrist.

"Yume! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone do this to you?" Taehyung comes running towards me worriedly. The other members come hearing the commotion.

"What happened?" Jungkook comes running with the shopping cart.

"Yume! You're hurt!" Jimin runs to me pushing over Taehyung.

"I'm fine guys don't worry I just slipped." The two lift me up by holding my arms standing back on my feet. I was picked up quickly like I was a feather.

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