☁️ 19 ☁️

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Opening my eyes I gasp as I haven't breathed I take full breaths in and out to calm my fast beating heart.

I look at my surroundings that I've been laying on a hospital bed. My heart beat hooked up in the machine, clear chemical liquid dripping going through the tube to my wrist from the needle and a gas mask tightened around my mouth and nose.

Slowly I peel my back of the bed sitting up thinking what had happened to me.

I was following Mark back at the dorm to a hospital to find my living corpse still in one piece alive and breathing but was on the verge of death.

Death? Alive?

Im.....alive? I look at my surroundings once again looking where my body lays I feel the temperature of my body heat. It wasn't as cold anymore and I could feel the air around me to know if it was hot or cold properly.

"I'm awake in my own flesh body." I was really speechless how on earth I manage to get back but nonetheless I'm happy to be back. "I'm back."

"Dammit, I came a little too late!" The voice I heard from before came from the door as it was already opened seeing that I wasn't alone.

"Told you she would be back." The man said.

"Shut it. Even if she is back we can just put her back to the dead." In rage, she shuts the door as the man beside just shrugs as he isn't supposed to be here.

"Chul Gi.....why?" I ask her as I tried moving myself off the bed but my whole body hasn't seemed to be fully awake itself.

"Oh Yujin, you don't know why? It's because of you. You're the one that took everything from me." She stepped closer towards me as I moved back in my bed. She seems to be angrier the last time I saw her broken down in madness.

"Chul Gi, you're only hurting yourself more. Stop this and we can resolve this." I say holding onto her hands stopping her.

"Talking ain't going to help you out b****." Chul Gi pushes me off her as she held me down with her hands holding me down. "Get here and finish the job will ya!" She shouts at the man as he walks up to the medical things taking out a needle filled with some dark chemical inside.

"This may hurt but you won't be physically hurt." He says as he just smirked taking the cap off the tip.

"Hurry it up old man!" Chul Gi shouts at him.

He ignored her holding up the liquid bag that was connecting to my wrist but stopped when a voice was calling out my name, doors opening.

"Yujin!" Mark pants as he ran as fast as the wind carried him to me. I was so  happy to see Mark again but happier that he can also see me too.

"What....in....the?!" Mark shouts as he sees the scene of Chul Gi holding me down while a stranger was going to inject some serum into the bag connecting to the needle in my wrist.

The other boys come into the scene in shock or surprised but had to move in action to stop the two from hurting me any further.

"Stop right there you punk!" Jackson catches the man pinning him down.

Jaebum and Yugyeom runs taking Chul Gi off you holding her back. "YOU S****!" She screams her legs kicking the air.

"Be quiet!" Mark yells at her as she shuts up immediately looking down her head hung low.

"Yujin, are you okay? They didn't hurt you?" Mark says running to me, holding my body close to him as I felt his breath on my face.

"Yeah I'm okay." I say touching his face wanting to pull him into a kiss desperately saying I missed you and I'm sorry that I wasn't there with you but I didn't. I just took this moment to keep hugging his warm embrace that I hadn't contacted in so long.

"I'm calling the police," Jinyoung says making the call as nurses and doctors came in worried what the commotion was.

Let's get these two out of here and reflect on your actions." JB takes the girl out and Jackson with the man out of the room with the remaining people left with only me and Mark in the room.

"Yujin," Mark says repeatedly over and over softly as he pats my head with his other arm wrapped around my waist.

"Mark." I lift my head up to see his face. Up close I can mark out the features of his face and touch him with my hands running them through his hair. His tears eyes looked upon me as I start to tear up myself. "I missed you." Crying, tears falling down my cheeks he leans his head against mine our nose now touching.

"I missed you way much more than you ever thought." The lips of his curve into a sweet smile as we both collide our lips together in a soft sweet kiss.


"So the both of you cause the so called accident to miss Yujin?" The police came in and start to ask questions to the two as they just kept silent.

"It was basically her that told me to. She threatened me!" He tells the police pointing at Chul Gi with his hands both cuffed.

"What?! I so did NOT!" She barked back in anger her now blood shot red.

"Take them in." The police officer says as the other police in the force push them in the car taking them away.

"Miss Yujin I'm glad that we have captured them especially the man since he has done bad things in deals but glad to hear that you've finally got back." The police officer bows.

"Thank you," I say before the police leave as it finally ends here where Chul Gi and the mysterious man that I have not known to his name yet gets caught. And I return to my life peacefully back to the way it was.

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