Confuse Feelings (Vampire Diaries Joins Supernatural)

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Sam stared out his motel's room window; it's been a few weeks since the Salvatore brothers had joined him and Dean.

Dean and Damon now shared a room while Sam was rooming with Stefan.

They had tried to just get one room but after a night of Dean and Damon moaning and rocking the bed next to him and Stefan was tortured, he was on his own side of the bed but hearing the bed creaking next to him was very traumatizing, especially when Dean kept pleading for Damon to fuck him hard. That was enough to make Sam get up and go sleep in the car. After that they had a talk about getting two rooms, one with two beds for him and Stefan, the fucking bastards just laughed then agreed to it.

Sam sighs as he turns his gaze from the window and sets it on his laptop. Stefan's laptop was opposite his, in the few weeks together, they had found out that they had a lot in common.

Stefan was the caring one while Damon was the asshole.

The vampire also liked to do research before killing anything, to make sure they had the right killer.

While Damon sniffed the air and if they were any kind of monsters, he would just lounge himself and try to strangle them or stabbed them. Just like Dean.

Stefan came into the room with his duffle bag hanging on his shoulder, he was frowning, and Sam raised an eyebrow in question.

''What's going on, you look like something happen to you?'' He tilted his head to the side as he waited for an answer, he couldn't help, but notice the vampire's hard jaw line, his eyes, and the messy hair, the vampire was cute.

Sam almost slapped himself, since when did he think man were cute? Dean was the gay one out the two.

''I bumped into Dean and Damon.'' Stefan grumbles deflated.

Sam winces, he felt sorry for Stefan since he knew how the couple acted. Dean was bad alone, but now he had a partner as bad as himself.

''What'd they do this time?'' Stefan groans and sits on his bed.

''Dean gave me a cup and said it was blood, he said that since we were out in public me and Damon need it to drink it out of cups, that way people couldn't see what was in it. It made sense and I saw Damon had a cup as well so I trusted him.'' Sam shook his head with a small smile, he knew better than to trust Dean.

''I took a drink of it and almost puked, it tasted nasty.'' Stefan grimace and shudders.

''What was in it?'' Sam questions.

''Ketchup and other things that I don't want to know what they were.'' A cup full of ketchup? Wow Dean has become worst.

''I hate them so much, why can't they grow up?'' Stefan pipes as he gets up off the bed and walks to the bathroom.

Sam stayed quiet; he was running Stefan's last words through his head. It would be a cold day in hell before Dean grew up. As for Damon well he wasn't sure yet what went on in the vampire's head.

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