chapter 1

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"enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back and realize, they were the big things."

The crisp winter breeze hit my face as I walked out of my front door. The clouds filled the sky, yet the sun somehow still peeked through. I jogged out to my car, my cleats clicking up against the pavement. I fumbled for my keys in my sweatshirt pocket, feeling my nose already turning pink from the January air. I cursed under my breath when I realized they weren't there.

I threw my lacrosse backpack down next to my car and ran back inside, praying I had left the door unlocked. I didn't. Thankfully my mom keeps a spare key under the flowerpot next to the door. I grabbed it quickly and unlocked the door before sliding the key back into place.

I rushed in, nearly stepping on my keys on the hardwood floor. They must've slid out of my pocket. I picked them up with a sigh, locked the door, and made the walk back to my car. I jumped in the old red Jeep that once belonged to my dad, but was my 16th birthday present back in July.

I started it up, immediately blasting the heat. It's really not that cold but to a Californian, it is. I decided against driving in cleats and slipped my right one off. I plugged my phone into the charger, adjusted my headband, and quickly braided my ponytail.

I put the car in reverse and off I was to lacrosse conditioning.


I arrived within minutes because I live very close to Seaview High. Freshman and Sophomore year I used to walk to and from school.

I pulled around the school to the lacrosse field and parked as close as possible. Since lacrosse is so popular at Seaview, we have a whole field dedicated to it. It's more popular than football really.

Even though it was cold, for California, I still wore shorts which I don't regret, yet. I grabbed my bag and my stick, which I had just bought a few months ago. I slipped on my cleat, tying it quickly. Then I hopped out of my car, locked it, then turned around to face one of the boy's lacrosse captains. Luke.

"What's up baby girl?" He said with a smirk across his lips. His dark wavy hair was blowing in the wind and his brown eyes met my chest. I'm not a busty girl at all, I don't even know why he bothers.

"Not now, Luke. I'm almost late for conditioning. And so are you. Based on your stats last year, I'd say you need it." I said as I slipped the other strap onto my shoulder.

His smirk fell from his face and he grumbled something I couldn't hear. I brushed past him and walked to the gate that led to the field.

Most of the other girls were already there. I spied my best friend, Lauren Carson, standing with her back to me, probably texting. I quietly snuck up behind her and poked her on both sides of her waist. She squealed loudly and turned around. She looked furious but as soon as she saw it was me, her lips curved in a smile.

"Mere! You gotta stop doing that!" She said as she slipped her phone into her bag. She bent over and quickly gathered her long black hair into a bun.

"Sorry!" I laughed. "But who were you texting?" A smug smile spread across my face because I already knew who it was.

She had been crushing on Brayden Clark since freshman year and finally he was taking notice of her. They had been texting and hanging out for the past month and I could tell they both liked each other a lot. I thought he was a nice guy, but he plays baseball. I don't like guys who play baseball for some reason.

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