chapter 2

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"look for the positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder."

School always seemed to bore me. Even if my teachers were teaching something exciting that most people would find somewhat interesting, I would still be bored. The day would drag on. It's the same schedule every day.

The only relief I had from my boredom on even days like today, was Lauren during U.S. History. We sit next to each other and I am forever grateful that we do.

This was the only class we had together and I could honestly care less what Ms. Frank was teaching us about the Civil War and Reconstruction. It was her favorite unit and she has been talking about it for months.

I'm a good student, don't get me wrong. I have all A's and B's with a solid 3.7 GPA. With my grades I could get into a lot of colleges, but I only care if they want me to play lacrosse. Call me a jock, but it's what my parents want too.

"Did you see Brayden today?" Lauren asked me.

I shook my head as I attempted to look like I was listening to Ms. Frank babble on about how Abraham Lincoln's assassination hurt the South.

"Well, he was wearing a baseball sweatshirt, you know the navy one that looks damn good on him, and khakis. I know I know, he wears a similar outfit every day. But today..." She said as she made a sound like she had just enjoyed a piece of chocolate cake.

"Miss Carson!" Ms. Frank's voice rang out.

Lauren sat up straight in her chair, twirling her blue pen in her fingers.

She gave Lauren one of her infamous 'witch stares' that scare the freshmen, before turning back to the whiteboard.

"Sounds like her cats weren't in the mood to cuddle last night." She whispered with a snicker.

I stifled a laugh as I continued to take notes.

There was a knock at the door and a student aid, who I recognized from Chemistry, walked in and handed Ms. Frank a slip of paper. She perched her reading glasses on the tip of her nose and scanned the paper quickly.

"Miss Scott! You've been called to the office. Looks like counseling."

The class broke into whispers, wondering if I was in trouble or whatever. The real question here is why does she call everyone by their last name?

"Should I take my stuff with me?" I said in a small voice. There was only 20 minutes left of class so I thought I should ask. 

"Yes. Hurry."

I shoved my notebook and pencil pouch into my navy blue backpack. I slung it over my shoulders and shot Lauren a smile before walking down to the office.


My class was towards the back of the school so it took me a few minutes to reach the office. My boots clicked against the tile floors in the deserted hallways.

I arrived and showed the office lady, Ms. Tiller, my pass. She smiled and told me to sit in one of the chairs to wait for my counselor.

The old man arrived about 10 minutes later, apologizing for making me wait so long. He claimed he had been in a meeting, which I totally believed.

I followed him through the main office back to his personal office. I put my bag down inside the door when we arrived. I took a seat while he sat in his own chair and typed away on his computer.

I didn't know his name so I looked around the room, trying to find something that would clue me in. His diploma hung on the wall. Mr. Albert M. Ross. Sweet. Now I won't look totally clueless.

"Miss Scott, I am Mr. Ross, as you found out when you were looking around the room. Do you know why you are here?" He said as he turned away from his computer.

I blushed a bit when he mentioned that he had noticed me observing the room intently. I shook it off and straightened in my seat. To answer his question, I shook my head.

"Well, I received an email this morning from the University of Maryland." He said as he turned back to the computer. I assumed he was pulling up the email. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why would the University of Maryland be contacting me of all people?

"Let me read it aloud to you." He said once the email was on the screen. I could see a little bit of his screen from where I was seated. I recognized the school logo instantly. I've seen it all over recruitment websites since they are one of the top schools for girl's lacrosse.

"Dear Mr. Albert M. Ross,

I am pleased to inform one of your students at Seaview High School, Miss Meredith Phoebe Scott, has been offered a chance for a recruiting coach from the University of Maryland to travel to California to observe one of her lacrosse games. The coaches have been interested in her since the beginning of her high school lacrosse career, but decided this was the best time to recruit. She is performing at a Division 1 level and we believe she is the perfect attack player to add to our team in 2018. For more information on when our scouts are available and scholarship information, please feel free to email the University of Maryland through our general sports email which you can find on our website.

We look forward to meeting Meredith and hopefully adding her to the Terrapins family!

Thank you,
Mr. Kevin Anderson
Director of Athletics, University of Maryland"

I practically screamed in excitement. The University of Maryland wanted me of all people. It's a great school and a great program. The only problem is that it's completely across the country.

"So Miss Scott, would you like me to tell Mr. Anderson to arrange for a scout to come to one of your games?" He said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes of course!" I said within milliseconds. "But don't tell me what day the scout is
coming, I want to be surprised."

I couldn't wait for lacrosse season now.


A little bit of a shorter chapter this time, sorry. I figured the few of you who are reading this would like an update.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Alllama for the wonderful comments and suggestions. If you have any ideas for my cover, feel free to message me.

I have decided for now that I am not going to give any details about Meredith's appearance. I do imagine her to look a little like me (tall, light brown hair) but I think everyone should imagine her however they want. I find that sometimes I'm not always happy with the author's description either.

The whole book will be in Meredith's point of view by the way. Just to avoid any confusion.

QOTC: What are your hobbies?

More updates to come! Please vote, leave a comment, and share!


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