Our Love Story with Cameron Dallas

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Hello, it's me. Lol it's Emory, Emory Jenkins. I'm 17 and I am a Juinor in High School. I go to Eagle Woods High School. I have I guess you can say a pretty good life. I have a sexy boyfriend named Chase Perry. He is head of the football team and I'm the leader if our schools cheerleading squad, The Tigers. I know I seem like I have it all, but that's not entirely true. My parents died in a car accident when I was 4. I have no siblings, and my so called family wants nothing to do with me. So ever since the day of the accident I live with my moms best friend Lena. She's been a great "mother" to me. But her husband, Chad, scares the living shit out of me. He stays mostly at work or at the bar, but when he comes home he's just a complete asshole to me, Lena and Cam. Oh yeah, forgot to mention they have son, named Cameron. He's sweet. But no one at school likes him BC in 3rd grade he through the worlds biggest fit ever, bc someone took his journal. Cameron is very artistic, but doesn't really like people to know it. Me and him grew up together. In 5th grade he asked me out, and I said yes. I mean I love him, just now these days, we don't talk often. He was my first kiss and I was his. It was a snowy December, and we were outside...I was 8 and he was 9. He said that he wanted to try something and I said okay. He leaned in and kissed me...it felt great I guess but then as soon as he parted away Chad came outside and took him by the arm and forced him up to his room...I secretly followed him. When I peeked through the door I saw Chad beating Cam with a coat hanger. I rushed in there and grabbed Chads leg begging him to stop and that it was my fault. Cam looked at me and mouthed "run", I looked at him and shook my head no. Chad then said OK and stopped hitting Cam and started hitting me. I hated seeing Can hurt so I took the pain..Cam didn't watch
..he just cried. Lena was at work and didn't know this. Chad soon went down stairs and left. Me and Cam looked at each other and just hugged. It was the kind of hug that says Thank You and I'm Sorry kind of feeling to it. In 9th grade Cam lost his viginity..He tells me everything so I knew the next day. I still have my innocence of course. I love Cam...he's always been there for me. But ever since Sophomore year he's hated me.

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