First date

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You're not the type for mushy romantic stuff, but you do like casual laid back and adventurous stuff. so joe took you to subway for lunch. Although you do like cute things every now and then.

"Awww Joe you know me so well, and you have known me so little time!" You squealed.

"nwaaa babe!" Joe said

omg! he just called me babe you thought.

you had your lunch then Joe took you to a few shops, let you go crazy on clothes and makeup. And he carried all you bags and paid for it all.

"k y/n calm down! i'm gonna call a taxi, one sec." Joe chuckled.

You two got back to Zoes filmed a haul video and packed up ready to go back to you apartment which was only a 10 minuet walk to Joe's. so you decided to go back on the tube with Joe.

"Its been so nice with you for the past couple of days y/n. can i pick you up at 4 tomorrow?" Joe asked

"yes sure. it has been so nice, text you later" and with that you had a kick kiss and hug and went home and watched Netflix texting Joe.

a/n kinda short guys but i felt like they were dragging a bit. i don't know whether you want me to do "follow on" imagines or separate ones. I'm going to skip ahead a bit now, but if you ant me to go back to normal be sure to message me and i will do so! bye loveys!

Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now