2 Months later...

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In the space of 2 months Joe had taken you out to a few dates and dinners, asked you to be his girlfriend and annonced your relationship to your friends and family.

Joe's p/o/v

"Yeah, well i don't really know how to tell her, because i don't know if it's too soon or not mate..." Joe was on the phone to Oli.

"Well you've been dating for a few weeks then actually got together like a month and a half ago and you are never apart! So i don't know i think it's not too early at all to be honest..." Oli replied.

"Okay, well thanks. I'll see you later."

"See you dude."

Joe was planning on taking you too meet his parents. Imean it's not that big of a deal but what if they didn't like you?

Your p/o/v

"Hey y/n, can i speak to for a mo?" Joe shouted up the stairs from his room.

Your belly turned and a thousand thoughts rushed through your body- "What have i done? Does he wanna break up? What if hes gonna leaveme? Does he think its not working out?..." As you walked down the staris you see Joe sat on the end of his bed and he looks up from his hone and smiles at you

"Hey beautiful, i have something to ask you, now i know we have been together for nearly 2 months so if you think its too early thats fiine." Joe said cheerfully.

"Okay....." You said, your voice trembiling a little.

"My parents want to meet you...?"

phew you thought.

"Yeah sure when?" you asked thnkfully.

"tomorrrrowww...?" joe answered

"Um, yeah sure"

"Great now, lets cuddle!" Joe said taking you in too his storng arms and tickling you.

"Ahhh, J-Joe sto-p" You said laughing your head off and yu too cuddled watvhing disney films for the rest of the night.


HIYAAAA, so i havent uploaded becuse i can only have acses to a computer on certain days so there and going to be a few tonight, maby Wednesday and Saturday. So keep an eye out for the next few parts. BYEEEEE x

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