Chapter 2

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2 months prior.

I typed away furiously on the keyboard, the office telephone tucked against my ear while holding it up with my shoulder.

"Yes... Our only open spot next week is Thursday, does that work with you?" I ask Ms. Perez on the other line, a regular patient here at Doctor Sullivan's Chiropractic clinic.

"I'm working until five that evening," she says with an exasperated sigh.

I sympathize at her frustrated attempt to book an appointment as soon as possible. With two jobs to balance, and a single mother of six, back strain must go a long way.

"It's fine. I'll wait until the week after." She finishes.

I open the scheduled appointments on the computer, looking to see if I could squeeze her in between Mark Dwayne, a large man who tends to cancel a few hours before his appointment, and a young girl named Eliza who dislocated her shoulder after a gymnastics competition.

"I'll see what I can do, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." I tell her, typing her name in between the two patients.

"That's great!" her voice lightens with a tone of relief, "Thank you for your service Leighton, I'll make sure to let Doctor Sullivan know how great of a receptionist you are next time I come in."

I stop typing, my eyes glancing over to where Dr. Sullivan is currently walking out a patient, assisting him to the door.

Speaking of the devil...

"It's not a problem at all, Ms. Perez. Have yourself a great day." I say before placing the phone down.

"Don't forget to practice those stretches I demonstrated at least twice a day." Dr. Sullivan reminds the man, before shaking his hand and closing the door behind him.

I glance quickly at the time, it's 4:52 p.m, only a few minutes before my shift is over.

I've taken notice of how he usually rushes his last appointments or two, and takes his last remaining minutes to flirt haughtily with me.

It's been ongoing for the last month or so and it's become something I've dreaded.

At the age of 40, he isn't a bad looking man at all. In fact, he's quite nice to look at. With a tall and broad figure, dark blonde hair with frosted grey tips that only accentuate his maturity, he's well known as eye candy.

But the fact that he's twice my age and can be considered as my father, I'd rather not cross any boundaries.

He strides over to me, hooking something to his clipboard. He stops right at the edge of my desk before peering down to look at me, his brown eyes faltering from my face to my chest.

I internally fist pump to myself for wearing a modest, high neckline shirt today.

"Have all the calls been made?" He asks me, his eyes meeting mine.

I suddenly feel violated, just by having him stare so intently at me.

"Yes," I answer. "all the appointments have been scheduled, and two have been cancelled tomorrow. So I replaced the Daphne twins in at 2 and 3 p.m."

He nods his head, but his face remains expressionless. "Is that all?"

I burrow my eyebrows, "Uh.. Yes. That's all."

He collects his things and checks his wrist watch, "Five minutes till closing, you're free to go. Deem yourself lucky, young woman." He says with a smirk, as if five minutes means so much.

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