Chapter 1- finding him

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Alexis POV:
Alexis is 18, mateless and stubborn as hell.
Its that dreaded time of the year for the females in my pack, where all the unmated males come to our pack to try and find their mate.My pack is called  'silver moon' and my alpha, well my farther holds a party every year inviting every unmated wolf to see if their mate was part of the pack. It's depressing I'm 18 and have yet to find my Mate, oh I hope he is looking for me, I hope he will come today.
"Alexis come down here, there's alphas on their way, you better look presentable!" My farther screams in his alpha tone from the living room
"Okay, okay I'm getting dressed" I say back, I lazily drag the covers of me and pull myself out of the comfy king sized bed covered with my black comforter and rush into the bathroom to shower, knowing I wouldn't have long before I was shouted at again. Once I scrubbed myself clean I rush into my walk in wardrobe and spot my black lace gown, my farther made me dress up for these parties. Ugh I hate dresses and make up but still I applied my make up, until I looked the image my father wanted. I will never understand why my farther wants me to look like a slut. It's so degrading, I'm not the pack whore.
I love how sexy we look" my wolf lily screamed in my head, I ignored her and grabbed my knee high heeled boots, shoving them onto my feet and rushing down the stairs. "Dad!" I yell
"In here" my farther shouted from the kitchen. I strut into the kitchen giving my mother a hug. "Oh honey, your stunning" my mother gushed, I just blushed in response, I hated it why couldn't I just wear normal clothes, I am absolutely sick of this.
My dad was going to say something I presume it was a lecture about me not looking good enough as no matter what I do I'm never good enough,  but before he could black cars pulled up outside. "They're here" I muttered following my dad to the door. "Hello alpha Mark" my farther said "Alpha James" a deep voice said I could only presume it came out of alpha Mark, a deep handsome tone of voice, that I'd never heard before, lily purred in delight at the voice of the mystery man.

My unusual mate(completed)  #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now