Chapter 1

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I walked into the penthouse of Stark Tower just as Pepper was staring at the monitors, looking all serious and focused. The sleek designs, the hum of tech—Stark Tower had that signature Tony flair all over it. I leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching the scene unfold. Tony had his usual cocky grin on, and Pepper was trying to keep up her calm composure, though I could see that slight irritation in her eyes. They had this playful back-and-forth thing going, and it was kind of hilarious.

"Levels are holding steady... I think," Pepper said, her eyes narrowing at the screen like it had personally offended her.

Tony strolled in with that smug look plastered across his face. "Of course they are. I was directly involved, which leads me to my next question: How does it feel to be a genius?"

I rolled my eyes. Classic Tony.

Pepper let out a laugh. "Well, ha, I really wouldn't know now, would I?"

Tony looked genuinely confused, like he couldn't believe she wasn't basking in the glow of his brilliance. "What do you mean?"

He gestured grandly to the tower and everything in it. "All this came from you."

Pepper, ever humble, tapped the glowing energy in Tony's chest plate. "No. All this came from that."

"Give yourself some credit, please. Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself... twelve percent of the credit."

"Twelve percent?" Pepper raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

Tony sat down, and Pepper began pouring champagne. "An argument can be made for fifteen."

"Twelve percent? For my baby?" Pepper's voice had that dangerous edge to it, and I couldn't help but smirk. She was about to hand Tony his ego on a silver platter.

"Well, I did do all the heavy lifting. Literally, I lifted the heavy things. And sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you."

"Oooooh," I drawled, stepping into the room. "I love it when you two argue over percentages. It's like watching a soap opera, but with more tech and less drama."

Tony turned to me with a grin. "Alice, you're just in time for the negotiations."

I shrugged. "I'm here for the champagne, actually. Keep arguing, though, it's entertaining."

Tony continued, "My private elevator..."

Pepper corrected him instantly. "You mean our elevator?"

Tony's smirk faltered. "Was steaming with sweaty workmen. I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later, aren't I?"

Pepper didn't miss a beat. "It's not gonna be that subtle."

I snickered and plopped myself down on a nearby chair, grabbing a glass of champagne. "Tony, subtlety isn't your strong suit. You should know better by now."

Tony tried to salvage it. "I'll tell you what. Next building's gonna say 'Potts' on the tower."

Pepper laughed. "On the lease."

"Call your mom, can you bunk over?" Tony quipped.

Before I could toss in another comment, JARVIS's voice cut through. "Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten."

I straightened up as Phil Coulson's voice echoed from the phone. "Stark, we need to talk."

Tony picked up his phone, but not before giving me a wink. "You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message."

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