Catsuit (RoWen)

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~Romeo POV~
"Wendy, are you seriously going to make me wear this?" I sulked in the bathroom and Wendy giggled from the outside, "Just come out! I have mine on so why not show me yours?" She teased in a cute voice. I have no choice except to go out. Which i did.
"Picture? Why not do the peace sign?" Wendy suggested, angling her camera toward us. "3...2...1...peace!" The little slide came from the bottom, i then added it to our collection and we then thought, its time for bed. "I'll go on the floor!" Wendy squealed, "No! Your a woman!! I will, as the gentleman! That'll be no way to treat a guest! I insist!"
It took a while before i gave up and went to 'sleep'. Yeah, sure i did.

*20 minutes later*
I carefully picked up Wendy from the floor and covered her with the quilt, "Night, Wendy."
I sighed as i clicked the door shut and plopped onto the livngroom sofa.

*ding ding*
The doorbell rang and i got up, yawning and stretching my legs.
"What do you want Mira?! Its 9:00!" I playfully punched her arm then she looked into my eyes and jiggled about looking hyper as a rabbit. "I saw what you did Romeo!! You were a gentleman and put Wendy in the bed!"
"How did i know? Oh, it's simple. We live right next to eachother and your curtains were open, where's your dad? Working late i'm guessing."
I nodded, a bit freaked out that she stalked me and Wendy through her window.
"Well, see you at the guild! Bye Mira!" I chuckled hesitantly closing the door then wiping the sweat off my forehead.

The next morning!
"Want some toast or something?" I asked Wendy then realising i was still wearing the superweird catsuit, "This thing is making me look stupid!" I sulked unhappily.
"Take it off then!" Wendy yelled, "I only asked you to wear it because they look like Carla...Its weird to know she's living happily in Edolas with her mom..." She lowered her voice to a whisper, and that reminded me, "Wendy? I have something for you!" I took the stairs two at a time then came back down in normal clothes, grabbing Wendy's wrist and running out of the door and to the guild.

At the guild!
~Wendy's POV~
"SURPRISE!!" The guild shrieked from behind tables and chairs, i looked ahead of me and there were two white exceeds and Happy was also next to the smaller white exceed.


I couldn't believe my eyes, Carla had come to visit!
"I got in contact with Edolas Fairy Tail. They sent Carla and her mom over for your birthday!" Romeo told me resting his arm on my shoulder.
Oh thats right, i'm 14 today! And Carla's here to celebrate with me! Only for a few days though.
We all chatted, laughed, had a great time whilst Carla was here with her mom and it was all over too soon, before i knew it, i was back at fairy hills on my own. "Wendy! Juvia would love for you to stay in my fairy hills room if your lonely!" Juvia smiled, opening the guild hall doors, readying herself to go back go fairy hills. I nodded gratefully then ran back to fairy hills with Juvia.
But what about Romeo? Wont he be lonely? I guess i can't really stay there if his dad is around again, and i don't have Carla so i guess i have no choice! Juvia's great fun, anyway.

~2 weeks later!
"Wendy-san, you haven't been on a job for a while. Why not come out with me, Natsu and happy?" Lucy crouched next to me and wiped the tear from my eye, "I guess i could, lets go! But it will not be the same without Carla. She's not even a Fairy Tail member anymore!"

~No one's POV~
"Listen up, brats!" The guild heard the master shout, "With all the lives we've saved, and how much of heroes we have been to Fiore, we have been granted a month's FREE trip to a luxury beach resort to the west of magnolia! If you wish to know who your sitting with in the magic car-"
"CAR?!" Natsu interrupted, fainting and crashing to the ground, "Then see Mirajane for details!"

~Wendy's POV~
"I'll help Natsu, Romeo, why don't you go see if we're sitting next to eachother? That would be awesome!" I grinned, running to Natsu and casting healing magic. For the ride, he'll need Troia, it helps cure motion sickness for a certain amount of time.

After i'd finished helping Natsu, Romeo shook me by the shoulders like crazy, "Look at the list of people! Look who Mira paired us with and how she did it!!"
Natsu x Lucy, team Nalu.
Romeo x Wendy, team Rowen.
Gajeel x Levy, team Gale/Gajevy.
Mirajane x Laxus, team Miraxus.
Alzack x Bisca, Team Bilzack.
Elfman x Evergreen, team Elfgreen.
And so on...
After about five minutes of reading Mira's list, (which i guaranteed were her OTP'S) I shuddered a little then laughed, "Mira's only having a bit of fun! She wont make us really!"

At the car
I've cast Natsu's Troia, and i don't think there is anything else i actually need to do. The bags are loaded and we're all going to the magic cars in the parking bay.
"COULD ALL PAIRS PLEASE REPORT TO THEIR DESIGNATED CARS! WE ARE DUE FOR DEPARTURE IN FIVE MINUTES!" Erza yelled then Mirajane rushed everyone in their pairs in the cars.
"We're really in those pairs?! I thought it was Mira's OTP list and she was messing with us! Clearly not...And Rowen?! We don't see eachother that way!" I giggled hiding my blush in my hoodie then jumping into the back row in the car and smiling to myself.
'With Mira and all these people in pairs, this is going to be a long trip..' I thought to myself, sighing as the cars pulled out and started the journey to the other side of Magnolia.

Did you like it? Was it crap? Next chapter will be released tomorrow hopefully! If not, the next day! I also wanna dedicate this chapter to The_official_shipper because she told me i never finish my stories AND I PLAN TO FINSIH THIS ONE FYI!❤️❤️💕✨✨😂😂

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