Soda (Miraxus/teeniest tiniest bit of NaLu)

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just so you know, i do NOT ship GrayLu! There is just a bit in this chapter that may seem like a GrayLu moment! But trust me, i am 100% NaLu!
~Lucy's POV~
I can't believe this beach isn't owned by the resort. Its just that super luxury hotel and the waterpark right next to it. Oh well.
"*cough* umm, L-lisanna?" I shook nervously hopping up onto the rock she was sitting on, "Lucy! Oh my god. What do you want?!" She snarled, still having that nasty look on her face. "Nothing Lisanna I just-"
My sentence was cut off when i slipped on my butt and nearly fell but Lisanna caught my hand in one of hers, making me look at her with pleading eyes as i hung off the high rock. "But...Why? We hate eachother...You wouldn't save me..." I said, shaking slightly whilst i wobbled in the breeze. "Because i'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't want you to die Lucy! I never meant to go that far and i'm a stupid cow for doing so! I hate myself for the awful things i did to you! And i'm gonna repay for my sins by saving your life!!" Her hand started to sweat, so did mine and i was slipping quickly, "Hang on, Lucy!" She motivated me to hang in there but i couldn't.
"LUCYYYYYYY!!!" I heard in the distance.
"LUCYYYYYYY!!!" There it was again.
"LUCE!!!" He yelled again. Natsu.
"Lisanna...I'm sorry..." I released my grip on her hand and plunged into the raging waves below.
I was close to the sea, i was about to hit the water when...
"Ice make, floor!" The sea below me turned to ice and i was caught ny someone.
"Gray!" I exclaimed with tears in my eyes, he put me down gently then went back up to the beach and was talking to Natsu which followed in him coming over to me.

"Lisanna tried to save me but i let go...She regretted everything...If it wasn't for Gray i could be-" Natsu interrupted me when he hugged me tightly as if he would never let go, making me gasp as his warm stomach and chest pressed against my back, it somehow made me feel secure and safe. Like harm would never come my way. Pretty soon a crowd of guild members and resort staff came running over to us and i was pulled away from Natsu and into a crowd of friends where i didn't know what to do.

Pretty soon i started to panic and get claustrophobic, Natsu was calling my name and my mind started to spin, my vision started to fuzz.

~Mirajane's POV~
"You've really never had a soda before, Laxus?" I stood with my arms wide apart and my mouth agape. Laxus laughed awkwardly then shook his head, "Never really thought about it actually." He then came up to me and squished my cheek with his other arm around my back, it was no use trying to get him to stop he's millions stronger than i am. Eventually i just gave up and left him to do it and it made me blush since his other arm was over my back.

I quickly ran from his grip to the refreshments bar and motioned him to come over and get a soda. Once we'd got them, we sat on a fallen tree log and shaded ourselves from the burning sun. "Try it!" I nagged whilst in the midst of guzzling my soda halfway. Which was a lot. "Once you try it, you can never stop." I smirked, but he still didn't try it. "Go on." 8 said sighing then whacking the can from the bottom which made it go in his face. "Oops..." I said, readying myself to run for my life, "I'm so gonna get you, Mira!" He smirked, folding his arms then chasing after me.

Soon it was very clear he was catching me, "No take over to make yourself faster." He grinned, obviously predicting what i was going to do.
"Alright, i give up." I said sarcastically, turning around when he wasn't ready, which caused us to topple over landing in a very awkward position....Oh god what do i do?! "Umm..." Thats it, i'll scare the crap outta him with my takeover then i can sneakily run away! Its the perfect plan! "Take over, Satansoul!" I whispered under my breath. "HISSSSSSSSSS!!" I snarled in his face, "GWAAAAA!!" He jumped then i turned to my normal form and ran to Cana and Loke.

Sorry the chapter was short but i felt i had to update👊🏼👊🏼❤️anyway i will probably post tomorrow. (Sorry bout my obsession with NaLu btw) i hope you all have a nice evening! 💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨😁😁😁😁😁😁😁♍️♍️♍️

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