✿04: sighs❀

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Jihye mentally cursed when everybody was quiet. God, she hated how quiet they were. It would've been okay if they weren't paying attention to them, but that wasn't even close to reality.

Her eyes scanned the crowd of students, looking for either Namjoon or Hoseok, but none of them were visible. They should be there, she thought, unless they were smoking or hooking up with someone.

She quietly sighed. Sehun quietly holding her hand lightly, knowing that she hated the attention, he looked down at her and smiled. She returned the smile.

The stares didn't feel as bad as they did before, but it still bothered her that people were paying so much attention to them.

Gikwang, who also noticed Jihye's state but didn't say anything, pointed at a table were two guys were talking with each other, not paying attention to the group.

The group walked up to the pairs' table, "You fuckers better say hello to us." Yifan said, getting the attention of the pair.

"Oh, it's the horny bastards squad and the rest." Namjoon joked, "Sit."

They sat down, except Sehun who turned around to look at the students, "Did y'all miss something? What are you looking at?!" The students, frightened for the boy's words and tone, quickly turned around except the curious blonde who couldn't keep his eyes away from the only female at that table.

"Wow, our Sehun has grown up to be a man." Namjoon joked, making Jihye laugh.

"Omo, forget Sehun. Our beautiful Jihye has grown up so much! I hadn't seen you in ages and you look more mature now. Aigoo, I feel like a grandpa now. Come hug the grandpa." Jihye laughed at Hoseok's comments, they hugged.

"Yah, I haven't grown up that much. And also, it's been about a month since we haven't seen each other, not ages." The girl corrected him.

"Yeah, she's also a savage and wild so don't mess with her." Hyunseung joked, earning a hit from Jihye.

"Yah, all of you are still children. The only mature one in here is Doojoon hyung. Right, hyung?" Sehun said. Doojoon shook his head but laughed, he had missed how fun they were.


From another table, a shy Min Yoongi was looking at the new students, feeling slightly jealous of Hoseok and Namjoon for getting to sit with them.

His eyes were stuck to the only female sitting there but, who could blame him? She was simply beautiful.

He remembered reading Romeo and Juliet, in one of his classes. He remembered how stupid he thought Romeo was, how stupid it sounded that he fell in love with someone who he didn't even know, how stupid was the though of the so called "love at first sight". Now he understood. He understood how Romeo felt and felt a little guilty for judging Romeo so harshly.

He, the guy who had judged someone who has fallen in love at first sight, was himself falling in love with someone who he didn't even know.

No, he thought, I am not falling in love. I just feel... rather curious. Yeah, curiosity.

Yeah, keep lying to yourself, his mind shamed him.


Minseok was talking, that's the only thing Yoongi knew. He had no idea what the older was talking about but he was sure of something, he was very bored.

After lunch has finished, all the seniors and juniors have their free period which was something a lot of students liked though some were against it. Regardless, everyone enjoyed it their own way.

Right now, Yoongi was not enjoying his free period.

When the bell rung, Minseok quickly grabbed Yoongi and pulled him to the backyard, rambling about something that Yoongi obviously wasn't interested in.

The blonde simply wasn't interested in anything right now and it wasn't just the new female student's fault. His job, his future, his family, his grades, and now a crush. Sigh.

Everything was just getting to difficult to deal with but it wasn't just going to go away. It was either deal with all of it now or wait until he felt strong enough to deal with everything-which was probably never-. He decided on the first option since it was the adult-like one. Another sigh.

"So then she told me she liked me and I've got no idea what to do. I mean, she's pretty and everything but I just don't want to deal with a girlfriend right now, y'know? I already feel too pressured, imagine how it'll be if I get a girlfriend. I will probably explode or go crazy." Minseok sighed and looked at Yoongi, expecting the blonde to answer him. The blonde just stared at Minseok back. "You know what I mean right? Of course you do, that's why you and Jihyun broke up right? Oh god I shouldn't be asking that, I'm such a bad friend." Minseok panicked. Yoongi shook his head and chuckled.

"Yah, it's fine, hyung. And yeah, sort of. Anyways, just tell her. She'll understand I guess. Park Choa it's pretty calmed and I'm sure she might even feel the same way. Though, I think you should give yourself a chance. Think of this as a break from everything your going through because you're putting too much on yourself right now." Yoongi answered, thinking of his answer before he said it. Minseok nodded.

"I guess I need to think about it." Minseok whispered, "Well, I better go, Sohee got in trouble again and she seems to not remember my parents' phone number for some reason." The oldest ironized and walked away after Yoongi nodded. He sighed.

Now, there was nothing to do, he realized. He could probably read a book, but the library was on he other side of the building and Yoongi wasn't feeling like walking all the way over there. He could drive to a caffè, but he decided not to since the free period would end within twenty minutes. He decided to just sit down and relax, probably sleep a little.

He looked around for a spot to sit down and only found a tree close by. He walked slowly, taking his time and sat down, leaning against the tree and closing his eyes, enjoying the quietness and how relaxing it felt to just let everything go.

It was quiet for some minutes and then he heard some steps and some voices. He stayed quiet and didn't open his eyes. He heard someone sigh. He didn't open his eyes.

He then smelled something weird, it was an odor that he'd smelled before but couldn't quite identify it. It smelled as if something was burning, but then it would go away. But, after a couple of seconds he would get the same smell. The smell of something burning.

Then, when he couldn't smell it anymore, he heard yet another sigh and the smell came back as fast as it went away.

His eyebrows twitched when he realized what it was.

He opened his eyes, and closed his eyes when he saw her smoking right in front of him.


Multimedia: OH SE-HUN

well, this was very very weird to write idky.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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