Today was the day.
I rushed downstairs, though I hadn't fully awakened, and turned into the living room. How surprising! My father had just arrived with the mail. With a delighted squeal, I searched around in the mail for my new Pokémon Silver game. When I discovered the little package, I snatched it up without a word and raced upstairs to begin my ancient, pixilated journey in Johto.
I'd heard about the new and improved Pokémon games, SoulSilver and HeartGold, but I preferred the old, classic Gameboy versions, and I had chosen Silver.
I ripped the package open and lifted the large, gray cartridge into the light of my window. I grinned excitedly, for I had never had one of the old Pokémon games in my possession. I reached down for my red GBA and pulled it onto my bed. I slipped the cartridge into the slot, switched the power on, and settled into a comfortable position. The regular Gameboy logo started on the screen.
Gamefreak. Intro. Skip. Title screen. Options.
For some reason, there was no 'New Game' option. I shrugged and chose the saved file. The Trainer sprite was male, of course. The location was in the Whirl Islands, in the midst of darkness. I knew instantly that I needed a Pokémon with the move Flash, and I brought the Start menu up. All the normal options popped up, and I soon realized that the Trainer's name was KrAd rather than the default name, Silver. I blinked slowly.
I clicked the Pokémon option. As I'd expected, KrAd's team has six full slots – three Pokémon and three Eggs. I checked the Eggs' summaries.
They were all close to hatching! For a brief moment, I wondered what Pokémon KrAd was trying to hatch. I then switched to examining his Pokémon.
All of his Pokémon were level 5! I was astonished. Level 5 and stuck in the middle of Whirl Islands? What kind of Trainer is this? Did all of his Pokémon know one-hit-KO moves?
There was a Typhlosion, a Noctowl, and an Eevee. Their nicknames sent a wave of foreboding rippling throughout my chest: I'VE [Noctowl] BEEN [Typhlosion] REBORN [Eevee].
To be honest, I wasn't anywhere near scared, though I felt the cold shoulder. The names made me feel like I wasn't alone in my room, and that the ghostly hand the girl mentions in Lavender Town was brushing along my neck – like a slimy snake, moist, cold, and wet along the bare flesh. The only real thought swimming through my mind was: what kind of sick trick was this KrAd guy trying to pull, hacking into this old Silver game?
I went through his Pokémon's' moves. I'VE and BEEN didn't know flash. I was beginning to lose hope in this dumb, hacked game, until I scrolled through REBORN's attacks and located Flash. My heart skipped a beat, and I smiled. There was one good thing about this cartridge. I selected REBORN and clicked Flash.
A bright, blinding light flickered in the cave and remained as so for several moments before fading back into total darkness. I could not see the sprite of KrAd any longer. My satisfied grin slowly progressed into a frown. I was sure that Flash was supposed to light dark caves up, not make them even darker...
Suddenly, a text box slid up. I gasped at what I read; "You cannot use that here."
I shivered.
This cartridge had definitely been hacked into.
In the pitch blackness, I began smashing the control keys. Nothing moved, but I could hear the brief thud sound of running into a wall and not being able to pass. That's when I realized that the wall sound was the only source of music in the cavern. There was no music, none whatsoever, and besides the thuds the whole cave was frighteningly silent.
Pokémon Creepypasta A to Z
Paranormala book of Pokémon Creepypasta from A to Z simple as that