The Festival Day Part II

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Nagisa's ov

O may God I just did the most embarrassing...OK one of girls twisted her ankle. I was the only one,who knew the dance. So they put me in a dress and made me Dance. I will so embracing. At least I didn't have to dance again if the dance. I hear my classmate, who were arguing with the class council. I listen to that have to perform a song with someone.  Karma said he was do it. We went on stage as he told me that we going to
"Talking to the moon " by an American sing. We know that the song pretty well. We sing together and dance on floor. He spanned around when I saw Korosensei hold a sigh saying I ship it. I blushed as look into Karma's eyes. I smiled softly.

Karma's ov
I am so happy as dance with Nagisa. Plus I saw the jealous face of class A's Mr. Perfect. We stared into each other eyes, but in the end of the song. I notice Mr prefect was gone and I felt uneasy. Nagisa smiled as left where I was going to confess my love for him. I gulped. Korosensei handed me a red rose as ran to met Nagisa.

Gakushu's ov
Karma... he he I won't let you  have Nagisa. I hold a bouquet of paper roses. I walk around to find Nagisa. I found him sat under the trees. He seem to waiting for someone. O I decided to make him mine

Karma's ov

I blushes and ran to find Nagisa. I hear my classmate cheering up. I stop to find Mr Perfect confessing to my Nagisa. I ran to them and confessed to Nagisa as well.

Nagisa ov

Wait  Gakushu and Karma are roses and met me here at 6pm. But who is my secret lover. They love me. I don't what to do? So I ran away from the insure of the choice to make. I panted and Kayano, Miss Bitch and some girl found me with worries looks. I explained What happen. Miss Bitch told to go back choice Karma since I knew him long. Gakushu and Karma look if I was ok. They told to take me time to choice. I nodded and look them not to worried about me

What a school Festival*sighed *.....

(Who will win Nagisa's heart?)

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