fun day

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Nagisa pov

It was fun day for the full school. I was so happy to go to the amusement parks. Karma and Asano were treating to me. They wanted to have a day with me. I did mind it.. but I was worried. What if Asano and Karma fight or worse. We went on rides and play at the arcade. Asano try to lick his ice cream but Karma slap out of hand. It was a waste of a good ice cream.
Asano's pv
Dammit I was so close to have an indirect kiss with Nagisa but that stupid Karma slap it out of my hand that he has the nerve to smile at me if he was innocent. I know we promise not to kill each other...well not just yet and not to show affection to Nagisa beside hugging him. I sigh while Nagisa look at me as if he was taste to ice cream. He turn and ask Karma,

"Karma, you wasted a good cone of ice cream" Karma shrug it off and said,
"Sorry, my hand slip but you can share with me-" I slapped his ice cream to the floor while I thought 'Face my wrath, Karma!' After that I smiled and said,

"Sorry Karma, my hand slip "

Karma's pv
Asano would have die to night if Nagisa wasn't here. Nagisa sigh and kiss the both of us. We blink while he park to a rollercoaster ride. Luck for me I got next to Nagisa. I know he will be scary and hug me so tight that it will make Asano...that what I thought.. but I was that one scary. After the ride, Nagisa and Asano talk how great it was as I throw in a trash can.

I won a haunted house though while Asano slightly scream. Over all it was and fun a day with Nagisa. We walk him home and wave goodbye. Soon as Nagisa close the door, we began to fight and swing at each other until Asano's ride put up and separated us. He was off before Korosensei came to me and ask if I want to a ride home. I smile while I nod. I will kill that bastard. I love Nagisa too much to let him go. I will die before that happen.

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