Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My Readers

©Copyright 2013

UPDATE: 9/10/2013 This story is unedited and will eventually be entirely rewritten!

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Chapter One

Dear Diary,

I don't know what it is about this house. It's huge and beautiful of course, but something's strange. Ever since we moved in two weeks ago, I feel like I'm being watched. I don't believe in ghosts, but I feel as if there is something supernatural going on. Maybe there's some type of underground tunnel or secret room. Ill have to do some searching.

I sigh, shutting my diary. My dad, one of the most well known and respected lawyers in the country, finally saved up enough money for his dream mansion, and now here we are.

We didn't move far; we only live about ten minutes from our old house. I still go to the same school and everything.

I put my diary under my mattress and then head to the bathroom. I hear some footsteps from down the hall, which is strange because my parents aren't home. Oh well, it's probably just the maid or the gardener.

I quickly start the shower so it's not so quiet. I step in and shiver with satisfaction. The cold water splashing on my back is currently my coping mechanism. Whenever I'm stressed or angry, I take an ice cold shower. It makes me so numb and helps me forget all my worries.

After a cold, icy shower, I throw my long brown hair up into a messy bun and change into shorts and a tank top. I go back into my room and grab my laptop, plopping onto my queen sized bed.

I immediately feel something prodding into my stomach. Curiously, I hop off my bed and look down at my bed. There, laying on my pillows, is a small white envelope.

'How did I not notice that?' I mumble to myself as I pick up the envelope and examine it. It simply has the words 'Bri Smith' written on the front. Well, it has my name on it, so it's for me, right?

I open the envelope and pull out the letter. It's obviously homemade but is pretty decorative. The front of the letter says, 'I want to play a game'. With a slight frown on my face, I open the letter.

The inside of the letter reads, 'Would You Rather get cut by a knife or by a razor? Circle your choice.'

I stare at the letter for a moment before looking around my room. It has to have been Aislin, my best friend of 14 years. She always pulls pranks like this on me.

The letter had to have been put on my bed while I was in the shower. That means that Aislin might still be in my room.

"Very funny, Ais. Kinda creepy, actually," I look around the room again before adding, "and I'd probably choose the knife. The razor would hurt more. Ouch." I shiver just thinking about it.

I toss the letter onto the floor and lay back down on my bed. I lay on my stomach with my feet in the air while I check my Facebook.

I hear a thump behind me and I roll my eyes.

"I know you're in here, Ais," I say matter-of-factly. I expect her to jump out or something but nothing happens.

I scroll through my news feed when I see a new post from Aislin.

'At the carnival in NY!' it said, along with a picture of Aislin and her dad. It was posted 2 minutes ago.

My stomach drops when I remember that Aislins visiting her dad in New York. She's been gone for a week and has another week before she comes back.

My heart pounds a tattoo against my chest while I slowly shut off my laptop. The screen turns black and I look through the reflection to see what's behind me.

Through the reflection of the dark laptop screen I don't see anything but my magnified face and the white dresser behind me.

And then a hand.

In the reflection of the laptop I see an out reached hand grabbing at me.

I let out a high pitched scream as all of my previous terror comes barreling out. I spin around, accidentally smacking my laptop onto the ground.

It was my mom.

"Woah, Bri, what happened?" My mom asks with a look of shock on her face. She stands back while continuing to stare at me.

"Holy sh- you scared me!" I gasp, collapsing back against my pillows.

"I thought you heard me come in..." my mom stares at me with a concerned look on her face.

I shake my head and try to calm down my breathing.

"You're too paranoid..." my mom mutters with a chuckle. I smile sheepishly while she picks up my laundry basket.

"Well after you give me that creepy letter, of course I'm paranoid," I say. My dads at work and my moms the only other one home, so she has to be the one who gave me the letter.

"What letter?" she asks as she picks up some dirty clothes from the floor of my room.

"Uh, the creepy letter that was on my bed..."

"I never put a letter on your bed."

"Are you serious?"

She sets down the laundry basket and looks me in the eyes.

"I promise you that I did not give you any sort of letter," she states.

"Alright." I sigh and pick up my laptop from the floor. My mom continues to pick up my laundry.

"So what did the letter say, anyway?" she asks, standing by the door.

"Oh, uh, nothing. It was an old birthday card, I think," I lie. If I show my mom the actual card then she will freak out and overreact.

She falls for it."Oh. Dinner will be ready in five minutes, 'Kay?"

"Mhmm," I mumble as she walks out the door. Once she shuts the door behind her, I quickly grab the letter from the floor and examine it again.

"That's so weird," I mutter to myself before throwing the letter in the trash. I go back to my bed and get back on my laptop.

The rest of the night goes by quickly. We had a delicious meal of spaghetti, French bread and fruit for dinner. After dinner I spent the rest of the night mostly in my room.

I ended up falling asleep on my laptop. It was really uncomfortable but hey, me and my laptop have a close relationship. We sleep together occasionally.

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