Chapter Five

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-"Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym."


Chapter Five

"What the heck?!" I scream at Ryan. How can he do this? I thought he was just a normal, sweet guy... But no, he's one of my kidnappers??

"Calm down, Bri." Ryan speaks calmly. He has an evil grin on his sly face that makes me want to puke. He's a younger version of his father, he has a goatee and crinkles around his eyes.

"Calm down?! You can't expect me to just calm down after y-"

I get cut off by Dylan slapping me across the face. My hand flies up to my cheek as if to stop the stinging pain.

"I'll visit you later. We'll grab a bite to eat like we planned earlier." Ryan smirks evilly before walking off. Tears stream down my face as I try to remain silent so I don't get slapped again, or worse.

"Get up." Dylan orders. I stay sitting on the floor, wiping my tears.

"I said get up!" Dylan yells, harshly grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet.

"H-how do I get out of here? Will I ever go home?" I ask quietly, my voice shaking.

"Survive." Before I can say anything Dylan puts a disgusting cloth bag over my head and roughly grabs me by the wrist. He leads me down a lot of hallways and up a set of stairs before he stops me and pulls the bag off my head.

We are standing in front of two doors.

"Would you rather go through the left door or the right door?" Dylan asks.

I can already here inappropriate calls and pumping music from the right door and absolutely nothing from the left. I'd rather remain a virgin as long as possible...

"Left." I respond, my voice shaky and quiet. Dylan opens the left door, shoves me inside and slams it behind me. I shiver as I hear it heavily lock.

It's completely black in the room. I stand right next to the door before my eyes start to adjust to the darkness.

I see the outline of an object in the middle of the room. I strain my eyes trying to see it better and I'm too afraid to walk over to it. I push my back up against the door as far as possible.

After a few more seconds, I see the outline of a person. It's a tall male figure and its growing closer. A scream grows in my chest but I hold it back.

Before the figure reaches me, I hear the click of a light switch. Immediately light fills the room and I can see a king sized bed laying in the middle of the room and a man standing next to it.

The man had pulled a string hovering above the bed that turned on the light.

My eyes widen as I realize what's going to happen to me. All that's in the room is the bed and the man and, well... It's pretty obvious.

The man is probably in his early twenties. He has greasy black hair and a freaky, perverted look.

"Wow. You're prettier than they described," the man finally says. Normally I'd take that as a compliment if we weren't standing in some creepy room together with a bed in between us.

"I'll be gentle. They told me you're still a-"

"A virgin, yeah. I was saving it for someone special." I say bitterly. Maybe I can make him feel bad and he won't do anything to me.

"Huh." He smiles with an evil glint in his eyes while he shrugs.

I remain by the door while the man comes over to me. He (surprisingly gently) takes my wrist and leads me to the bed. I don't fight him but tears are already forming in my eyes.

Tears stream down my face as I lifelessly stare up at the rope hovering over my head. I stare at the rope as he steals my innocence.

Doesn't he know he's making love to someone dead?


I wake up to strong arms wrapped around me protectively. I slowly begin to process what had happened the night (was it night?) before. I had been raped.

I realize that my face is buried in the mans bare (and extremely toned) chest.

I immediately pull out of his tight embrace and get out of the bed. I cover my bare body as he starts to wake up as well.

"Good morning darling." He smiles as he thinks about the night before.

He sits up and rubs his eyes while I back away from him.

"Bri, I'm really sorry," he climbs out of bed and pulls me into a tight hug, "I love you more than you can imagine."

I shove him away and give him a death glare.

"You probably don't remember me... I'm Damien." He smiles as if expecting me to suddenly remember him and leap into his arms.

"I don't know who you are and I don't give a crap about you! I just want to get out of here and go home." I start out sounding tough but my voice breaks at the end of the sentence and the next thing I know I'm bawling.

Damien comes over to me and holds me close. Without thinking I lay my head against his chest and continue to cry into him. He rocks me back and forth calming me down.

After a few minutes I pull away from Damien and wipe my tears.

"Listen, Bri, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did last night and I really regret taking your virginity away from you. These guys are bad people and they, uh.. All they said is that they'd pay me to screw some chick.

"I didn't realize that it was you I'd be, uh, screwing. After they told me your name, I backed out immediately. But they forced me to... they said they'd kill my mom if I didn't. I was forced to, and I'm sorry."

I sit in silence for a minute. He acts like he knows me and like we are close friends but I don't have a clue who he is...

And then it hits me.

"Damien Crawford?" I ask him suddenly. He smiles and nods.

"I knew you'd remember me."

Damien had been my childhood friend years ago. We had done everything together and we had been so close. That is, up until he moved away.

When we were both twelve years old his family had to move because of his fathers job. It was raining and Damien had come to say goodbye.

'Ill miss you so much,' I had muttered, looking at my toes.

'Ill miss you more,' he had replied.

We had hugged for a long time until Damien broke away.

'I love you,' he whispered before planting a kiss on my lips. He then ran off and I never saw or heard from him again.

He was the first to kiss me and the first to take my virginity away.

"Oh... My... Gosh..." I don't know what to say at all. My old best friend had... raped me.

"I'm so sorry that we had to meet again like this, Bri. I got caught up with the wrong crowd and I never thought that I'd accept money just to, uh, do what I did to you. I'm sorry."

I sit silently for a moment.

"Damien, you've got to help me out of here. They kidnapped me and I-"

"They kidnapped you?!" Damiens eyes widen.

"Yes," I nod while my eyes begin to water, "they're totally sick freaks. They kidnapped me and they've kept me in this hell hole for days."

Damien pulls me into yet another hug while stroking my hair.

"Shhh... I'll get you out of here," he whispers, calming me down. I clutch him tightly and let my tears fall onto his bare back.

We hug for a few minutes. I start to pull away but Damien's grasp is extremely tight.

Damien pulls my hair a little and I start to push him away harder but he continues to hold his tight grasp.

"Damien, what the f-" I start to say but I'm cut off my him slamming me onto the hard floor. He covers my mouth with his hand and rapes me once more.

That's when I realize that the man raping me yet again has dark brown eyes. Damien Crawford, my childhood friend, had eccentric blue eyes. The stranger torturing me isn't Damien.

That's when I realize...

I'm never getting out of here.

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