Chapter two

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chapter one

I walked through the hordes of people, all moving and rushing, and made my way to my first class. First class officially in high school. Which was Geometry. Most freshmen get algebra 1 or honors or whatever, but nope. Not me I was always good in the math area, but it was only this time that I wish I wasn't, I was most likely to be the only freshman in there. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was walking when I walked straight into someone. It was a boy. No, boy did not describe him. He was tall, muscular and brown haired with deep yet adorable kind blue eyes. I the kind of blue eyes everyone could stop and admire. think my heart stopped for a moment there.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and-" I started saying until he cut me off.

"Its totally fine, but are you ok ? You look kinda lost," he said, a playful smile on his lips. I blushed to say the least.

"Yeah, kinda," I admitted sheepishly. I looked down at my black vans.

"Where are you headed?" he offered. I handed him my schedule from my black letter purse. He looked at it and said,"You're taking geometry?" I nodded. "And your a freshman ?" he asked, I nodded yes again. "wow," he muttered, seemingly shocked. I offered a smile. "Thats actually my next class, too. I'll take you there. " he said smiling. "Thanks," I said. I was still in shock someone like him was talking to me.

He started leading the way to class. The school was huge to say the least, not to mention there are plenty of stairs and halls. The school was built around the quad that had individual classes like ROTC and publications lined around it and the gym on the south end it and had a set if stairs right next to each other that led to the 800 and 900 halls on the north side and the main entrance to the left that when you walked in you immediately saw the dual staircase and the 200 hall enrltrance underneath one staircase and the 300s under the other . The entire thing was outside with walls of classrooms. I held my hand over my eyes shielding the sun as we made our way up the stairs. Our classroom was the first in the left so I didn't see much else if the upstairs part of school. No to mention there were people everywhere to the point that I couldn't see much ahead of me.

He held the door open for me with a cute smile,"ladies first," he said with a fake accent while bowing. "My name is Damian by the way," he added. Damian. It definitely fitted him.

"I'm Summer ."

I looked around the class and saw the desks where in groups of four and the one large desk, that was obviously the teacher's, in front if an empty white board opposite of the door we just came through. I sat down at the nearest empty table and Damian followed behind. I noticed he was wearing all black vans, dark blue jeans and an Of Mice and Men band t shirt. The teacher, a Mr., walked in and stood by his desk. The bell rang right afterwards, indicating the beginning of class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2011 ⏰

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