Killian watched as the love of his life ran at him with Excalibur. As the sword sliced through his lower chest, his vision slowly faded. He felt arms wrap around him, holding him up as his weight shifted into the person. Everything around him was a blur, as the darkness in his eyes took over. His head fell onto the shoulder of his love, and his eyes finally closed. He lost feeling of everything around him.The pain in his chest had started to dull until the pain vanished completely. He regained feeling in his body and felt himself lying down. He opened his eyes moments later to a view of the sky.
Killian looked around for Emma but realizes that no one was around, it was completely silent. He pushed himself off the ground and noticed he was in a graveyard. He looked around the graveyard, slowly turning until he lays his eyes on the newer-looking stone directly behind him.
Killian Jones
Shocked, Killian stepped back.
"Bloody hell," Killian says. His mind is spinning. He looks at his hand, expecting to have taken a ghost-like form.
"You're not a ghost," a familiar voice explains. Killian turns around to see Cora standing behind him.
"Cora" Killian scowls. He wants to get angry at her but his curiosity gets the best of him. "Where are we?"
Cora gives him a smile as she walks closer.
"Welcome to the Underworld, Captain" Cora says, causing Killian to tighten his jaw.
Cora and Killian walk through the streets of the Underworld's version of Storybrooke.
"So this is death," Killian states, trying to wrap his mind around the concept.
"Not quite. The people who die, are the people who have nothing else to live for. You, have unfinished business in the world of the living, like everyone else in this town." Cora explains.
Killian looks away, lost in thought. Cora notices and continues to speak.
"It's tragic, the fate of the savior. Lost everyone she fell in love with," Cora looks straight ahead with no expression on her face.
Killian looks up, wanting to say something cruel but could think of nothing. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew that his love was in more pain than he could fathom, and it was his fault.
"Nevertheless, you'll be spending a lot of time down here. If I were you a would find some place to call home. I did see this beautiful blue house that has just the perfect view of the ocean," Cora begins. Killian stops walking as they reach the docks. His eyes catch a familiar ship with the writing, "Jewel of the Realm" written across the front.
"Is that?" Killian questions.
"Your ship? No. Your ship is still in the world of the living. That is simply a replica," Cora begins.
"What's it doing here?" Killian asks.
"It's someone's home," Cora explains. This makes Killian's heart beat faster.
"I have to go, see something," Killian says to Cora, already half way to his ship. Cora turns around and walks back to her office. Killian cautiously looks around the ship before making his way on. His heartbeat quickens as his hopes of seeing his brother flood his mind.
Liam, he thought. Half way across the ship, he is about to head down to reunite with his brother when he hears a noise coming from behind him. He turns around to find Zelena standing a distance behind him. Before he can say anything he is knocked out cold.

Under the Town
FanfictionThe journey to the Underworld has just begun as Emma and her family head into new territory. Can they survive the trip, and will they stick around for the trip back? Can they save more than one person? Find out here in my own version of Season 5b of...