Years ago...
Zelena marched forward, hoping that he was following. Suddenly, she realized she never asked for his name.
I'll have to ask him later, She thought to herself.
Zelena's face was still plastered with a bright smile, knowing exactly where she was going. Hades followed at a distance behind, not sure what lied ahead of them. He noticed the bounce in Zelena's steps. She seemed to be an upbeat person, an optimist. And if she wasn't, she was very good at keeping whatever she was feeling inside, hidden with a smile.
They entered a forest, and walked for a while before Zelena stopped at a stone well. She looked up and down the well, taking the scene in with pleasure. Finally she turned around to face Hades.
"This is my favorite spot in the village," Zelena exclaimed, obviously happy to share it with him. Hades slowly walked towards the well, looking at it in acceptance.
"Why?" Hades asked.
"Well, it's away from everyone in the village. It calms me down, makes me feel better about myself." Zelena explained. Hades looked at her in confusion, now on the opposite side of the well.
"I love my Father," Zelena said as if trying to convince herself so. "He's not like Mother though. Mother was, patient. She was compassionate and caring and she never worried about my powers. She used to tell me it made me special." Zelena said, reminiscing.
"And your father?" Hades asked.
"He thinks it's a burden, that I'm a burden. He tells me not to use my magic, that it's some sort of trick from the devil himself." Zelena told him, placing her hand on the rim of the well, looking inside of it.
Hades flinched at this name. The devil. Of course her father was talking about him. As if reading his mind, Zelena interrupted his thoughts.
"You never told me your name," She said, looking back towards him from across the well.
"I didn't?" Hades said, knowing what would come next. He folded him hands into each other in front of himself and walked closer to Zelena.
"No. You didn't." She insisted.
"And your father didn't tell you?" Hades said, almost tauntingly.
"Father doesn't tell me anything. All he'll say to me, 'No matter what you feel on the inside Zelena remember to always put on a good face.'" She said, a bit skeptically.
Hades half nodded, now facing more towards the ground. Zelena grew very skeptical.
"Who are you?" Zelena breathed.
"I'm the ruler of a large land. A land so big, yet it cannot be seen on any map. A land where lost people go, when there's no where else to turn." Hades explained, slowly walking behind Zelena. Zelena stood still, not wanting to make any sudden movements. Hades moved closer to her, his lips almost touching her ear.
"Ever heard of the Underworld Zelena?"
Present Day
Zelena waved her hand to open the huge doors revealing Hades sitting on his throne.
"Oh good you're here. I'm tired of waiting. They know what's going on, they have Rumple's son."
Hades seemed to be deep in thought and did not respond to Zelena's remark.
"I don't have time for this," Zelena said. "Every second I'm here walking around this place is another second without my daughter."

Under the Town
FanfictionThe journey to the Underworld has just begun as Emma and her family head into new territory. Can they survive the trip, and will they stick around for the trip back? Can they save more than one person? Find out here in my own version of Season 5b of...