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As I watched Everest interact with my friends and their significant others I couldn't help but begin to wonder how I had gotten so lucky to have had her brought into my life.

No she isn't my mate, and to be honest no matter how much she may look like Maggie I knew she could never be her...but this is Everest, friendly, sexy, intelligent, headstrong, and vulnerable Everest...my wife. And watching her now, elegantly in her own element I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in knowing that she is mine.

But this brought up something that HAS been eating away at me, and something that I was very nervous about tonight.

You see, everyone in my pack knew my mate well...and if my people see Everest they may easily see Maggie in her, I'm afraid someone will tell her how much she bears a striking resemblance to my late mate.

I can't help but wonder if Everest would be hurt to find that out, or if she'd be more upset that I hadn't  told her?

But as we geared up to take our positions for the big presenting to my entire pack, I knew there was no time for confessions. So as a last ditch effort to both get Everest to calm down and relay how much I care for her as my wife I gave her a small pep talk and a kiss before I walked us outside.

Everyone stood upon our approach.

There in the large garden area hundreds of tables spanned our massive land, but I was paying close attention to Everest, I could see the tension in her heavy brow as she focused on her steps, her uneven breaths with every shaky rise and fall of her chest.

Her hand held on tightly to my right arm, so I lifted my left hand and gave her white knuckles a soft pat. She looked up at me and once again I tried to silently reassure her that everyone would love her and that everything would go smoothly with a genuine smile.

I noticed when her attention was solely on me she seemed fine, of course this made my wolf happy knowing she trusted us this much.

I walked her over to the raised platform, we usually use this when I have to make announcements to large groups such as tonight. I did notice a new addition was added, all along the back of the raised platform was a stone structure that seemed to span the entire platform (about 12 feet long) and inside seemed to be an outdoor fireplace. Long tables sat in front of the warmth and I was grateful for this as I knew Everest wasn't use to our colder climate, even for a she-wolf.

With a few more steps we finally reached the center of the platform and everyone took their seats while Everest and I remained standing.

On the platform with us were my father and the rest of the Council members, as well as her family.

I still wasn't one hundred percent sure about their being here, but to seat them anywhere else would be a slight against them, plus all of this was arranged by Everest, so if she wanted them up here then so be it.

With a small gust of wind I noticed Everest shiver slightly and I knew I needed to get this done as smoothly and as quickly as possible so I could sit her down and hopefully get her to ease up, her tension wasn't helping with the cold weather.

And although she looks damn good in this dress, it too wasn't much for warmth.

"Brothers and sisters of this pack, over the years we have faced a great many things when it comes to the safety and security of this pack, and though we have done well...we can do better, and now, our pack can only go forward from here on out as we now have a Luna to complete us, it is with the greatest honor and delight that I introduce my new bride, my wife Lady Everest Graystone...your soon to be Luna."

Everyone cheered and Everest seemed to breath a little easier, but as she let out a breath of relief. Only, I began to hold my breath a little as I soon began to hear some of the whispers, surely they were talking about Everest's looks.

As my speech was over it was Everest's turn to speak, I took her hand (knowing everyone would be able to see us) to remind her I was still there with her.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Northern Stone Pack, I thank you most humbly for greeting me so warmly on this rather chilly evening, it is with great pleasure that I get to sit amongst you all tonight all of which was made possible by the ever helpful and extremely talented Phyllis."

There was a small round of applause for my father's oldest house maid.

"Lastly, as I don't want to waffle on and keep us all from this delicious food, I just want to say that I can not wait until I am fully a part of this pack, and as your future Luna I hope that you all feel like you can approach me as one of your own...now please everyone eat, drink, and be merry."

I clapped along with everyone else as Everest finished her speech and the food was served.

Finally we took our seats and I leaned over toward her. "You did spectacularly." I said as I lifted her hand and kissed her ice cold knuckles.

She giggled lightly, "I though I was going to pass out." She admitted.

The food was delicious as Everest had promised and I especially like the idea of the different varieties. Everyone seemed to be having a good time including her family.

Everyone was talking to someone and we easily got so wrapped up in the festivities of the night that I hadn't realized Everest was no where near me when two of my men approached me.

"Hey gentlemen, you two enjoying yourselves tonight?" I asked jubilantly.

Tonight was my wife's big night, but it was also a big night for my pack, for years they've gone without a Luna and soon (when the full moon comes again) Everest will shift with us and become a full fledged member of this pack and only then can she be considered the Luna of this pack, unfortunately we still had two weeks before the full moon occurs.

"Alpha Graystone, we've got some news."

I was so happy about tonight that I had missed their ominous tones or their on guard appearances.

"Well go on." I smiled.

"We've got some new leads on who killed Maggie."

My world stopped.

All sound drained from around me.

My wolf clawed to come forward.

Soon the only sound that could be heard was my furious heartbeats thumping so loudly that I could feel the pulses in my ears vibrating throughout me.

"Who is he?" I growled.

"W-we believe it was a human...and that is why it was so easy for us to overlook him, all this time we've been looking for a Were."

Now my heart fell to my feet.

"We have to go now." I said angrily.

"What's going on gentlemen?" Everest asked upon reaching us.

"Lady Graystone." My men sounded in unison.

"My wife something has come up and I fear I may have to go."

Everest looked up at me with those pretty doe eyes of hers, silently pleading me not go.

A wave of guilt washed over me as I knew I had already abandoned her once today and here I was about to break the same promise twice already. As much as I wanted my revenge, I knew I both want and need my marriage to work with Everest for both my pack and my own sanity's sake.

My emotions were conflicting with each other.

I turned to my men. "We will table this for now, BUT I want to know everything there is to know about this matter." I said in a slight code,  the last thing I needed was for Everest to get upset. "I won't go into this blind so leave no stone unturned...now if you'll both excuse me, I believe I owe my wife a proper spin along the dance floor."

It took everything I had in me to walk away from my men and join Everest on the dance floor but damn was she trying her hardest to get me to focus on her.

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