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  "Alright alright kids to the field" shouted Mr. Wilson over all the noise in the band room. The kids filed out of the band room and walked to the practice field.
  "Whooo" yelled a trombonist named Roy as he ran past the rest of the band toward the field. After that Dick, Victor, Garfield, Kori, and Kitten "whooed" back. They weren't the only ones to join, a mellophonist named Jane, a percussionist named Tara, and a trumpeter named Garth also participated in the loud noise. Rachel rolled her eyes but had a grin on her face. She had been waiting all summer for just this.
  Because Rachel was the clarinet section leader she gathered her section and gave each member a drill book. After each clarinet was off looking for their spot Rachel started to look for hers.
  "4 in front of front hash, two inside 40 left side." She muttered to her self. She found her spot and sat down.
   She looked up and started to see where her friends were. Kori was on the other side of the field. Dick was a few steps away from her. Garfield was behind Rachel but still pretty far away. Victor was also very far. Rachel was slightly annoyed by the distance between her and her friends but awe well.
   "Alright find your next set!" Called out Mr. Wilson. As the day continued they learned new sets.
   "12:00!! Lunch!" Called out Garth. He was right. It had been four hours since they had started the day.
  "Fine but we've only learned one movement. We haven't even added music. After lunch we will have a music rehearsal. You have one hour. Go."
   The kids, all exhausted  from the hard work walked to the band room to get their lunches.
  "Who would win in a fight, me or Vic?" Asked Dick right before he bit into a large ham sandwich.
  "Dude you know it would be me." Victor laughed.
  " I don't know friend. After all dick is very agile." Said Kori
  "But I have more muscle duh"
  "I agree with Vic." Declared Kitten
  "I think you both are being silly boys." Said Tara.
   "Oh you just say hat Bc you like Garfield and you think he's stronger than all of us." Said victor
   "I do not!" Tara blushed slightly.
   "Kori shot Rachel a quick glance before laughing with the rest of the group. Rachel smiled but she never laughed.
  It was from that moment on Rachel noticed the flirting. Back and forth all the time. Tara and Garfield. She was not gonna let it get to her. After all it was just a silly high school crush. As a musician she had over things to worry about. College, music, learning instruments, and so much more. She didn't have time to worry about a cute boy.

Authors note: just like chapter one I fixed a few things. I am working on ch 3 now and it should be up soon ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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