7: Lets Take A Cruise

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I decided to surprise her. Not really a surprise though because since I still cant drive, and theres no way I would let her driver, drive us. I decided that we should take a bus. Believe me, it was hard for me to convince her to take a public transit.

And before I planned this, Im going to say to you that I was so nervous with this idea. I spent the whole day in the library. I was wondering what to do with people with this condition and what they dont want to do or hear from you.

We went to the backyard, because her driver is guarding our house like a dog. And probably because, he wouldnt allow her to ride a bus.

This bag is so heavy. I said to myself. Why did I plan to do this again?

"Do you know where we are going?" She asked with a sort of high pitch voice.

"Don't be scared. Its okay, I take the bus all the time." I smiled. I dont even know why Im smiling at her even though she cant see me. So from now on, Ill just try to put the smile on my voice. How about that.

We stood for about 12 minutes when the bus finally arrived. The bus driver gave me a transfer. It looks like a receipt with a time.

"Thanks." I smiled to the driver.

And to my unlucky self, the bus is full and we're going to stand. This is absurd. She cant handle standing, its like surfing when youre standing on the bus. My gigantic friend fell one time and to her luck she fell on the middle of two people where there was no one sitting. Best thing ever.

I smiled then I frown again. I look at the people who are sitting on the courtesy seats or the disabled seats. They aren't even disabled.

I told her: "Uhm. Im really really sorry. The bus is full and we're going to just stand. Give me your hand."

I put her right hand on a bar, "just hold on, okay?" And then I held her other hand. And held it tight, just so I know she'll be safe.

The bus driver closed the door even though she saw a man running, trying to catch the bus.

Someone poke me at my back. I look around and saw a person staring at me. The first thing I notice about her, is her rainbow bracelet. And probably my first judgement is she's a part of the LGBT.

She pointed at Emly, and made different gestures that probably means, "Is she blind?"

I nod my head.

She stood up, smiled at me and said, "here."

"Thank you!" I made a huge smile at her. Thank you for this kind lady.

I sat on the seat because I was so tired standing. LOL, just kidding.

"Emly, come." She let go of the bar she's holding and I helped her to sit. She raised her hand, like she's looking for something. I guide her hand to the pole but she didnt grab it. She touched my leg and held out her hand, then I realized. She must be searching for my hand. I held her hand and she smiled.

This made me smile and blush. It reminds of little kids who rides the bus with their mommies. Of course their moms would let their kids sit instead of them. Then the kid would close his eyes, make a movement with their hand, then their mom would give him something to hold. He holds it but keeps on moving his hand. Then finally, his mom lays her hand and the kid would grab at least 3 fingers of her moms hand.

Dont you think its sweet, how they shows their love and saying they need you by doing that. That theyre lost without you. Theyre very dependent on your love. It melts my heart on this thought. The thought that someone needs me to comfort them with protection and love.

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