What the fans think of you

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Nate- Nate's fans are super chill and think you guys are perfect for each other. They also love that you are a female version of Nate and you never cause any drama in the fandom.

Sammy- A lot of Sam's fans like you and think your relationship is goals but some of them did get jealous and would make up lies about you which did cause problems in your relationship.

Johnson- Everyone in Johnson's lane love you because you are super fun and not stuck up. You don't post pics of each other every time you are together because you know that the fans find it annoying.

Gilinsky- Gilinsky's fans did not like you at first. They thought you were using Jack for more fame but they see how happy you make him and love you now.

A/n kinda proud of this one (even though it's super short, but I'm lazy and don't like to write lots 😂😂) not gonna lie. So yeah vote. -Megan 👸🏾

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