The type of couple you are

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Nate- The chill one.
You guys get along with everyone around you and don't cause drama. Not too much PDA, you guys like to have a lot of lazy days where you just smoke or watch movies. You trust each other and neither of you are overprotective.
The fans think you're perfect for Nate because you guys are so much alike.

Sammy- The sexual one.
Wherever you are you can't keep your hands off of each other. The rest of the squad get annoyed sometimes but they think you guys are pretty cute. The fans didn't like you at first because they thought you were using him but now they realised you really love him and accept the relationship.

Johnson- The fun one.
Wherever you go he always seems to prank you. When you are around other people you guys always make everything more fun. He's not very into PDA but he'll make sure to always hold your hand or give you little kisses. The fans loved you from the start and think you too are perfect for each other.

A/n I legit couldn't think of anything for Gilinsky sorry y'all but anyway nvm that vote please -Megan👸🏽

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